
Showing posts from August, 2018

Week 8 (20-26 August 2018)

This has been a week of growth for many of us and that is very good. Luganville city plan.  Monday was zone conference for the Santo zone.  We had good discussions and it was a time to learn and be edified.  We learn so much also.  We always conclude with the bearing of testimonies.  So uplifting!  Tuesday was so enjoyable for both of us as we went to work with missionaries.  I went with the sister training leaders, Sisters James Nila and Meyer, and they had 3 set appointments.   The first one was not able to make it and we had the opportunity to speak with a young lady (15 years old) and her siblings.  Sister Meyer gave them the pamphlet on the restoration, one each.  We were sitting in this little hut with a dirt floor and the flies were driving me crazy.  I looked at the two sisters to see if they were bothered as much as I,  but even though the flies were all over them also, they were just paying attention to the children in front of them, as if

Week 7 13-19 August 2018

Olsem wanem evriwan? How is everyone? Have you been busy?  We sure have!  We flew back from New Caledonia Monday night.  I received a new car last week.  I will have to take a picture.  We left it bright and shining at the airport.  It was absolutely filthy when we came back.  It is so dusty.  The parking lot is a dirt road.  Someone had even written “saleté” meaning “ dirty” on the back window.  Since we were leaving it again Friday for 4 more days while we are in Santo, it did not make sense to wash it before we left.  I did remove the word dirty from the window.  I am  afraid I am not a good example for the missionaries, as far as keeping the car clean 😝. Tuesday and Wednesday we had zone conference and interviews for the zones of Efate and Tanna in Port Vila.  I enjoy zone conference so much.  I love feeling the spirit as we discuss, share and teach one another.  It’s the best.  We love the missionaries!  We rejoice in their successes and we are sorrowful at their challenges an

Week 6 6-12 August 2018

Bonjour à tous! Our brain is in French mode.  We have been in New Caledonia since last Thursday and returning to Port Vila tomorrow night. See the beautiful view from our hotel room. Before we left to go to Solomon Islands last week, I spoke with Alerd the daytime guard at the mission home about the boxes that were shipped from our home in Utah last May and seemed to be stuck at customs.  He told me he knew someone who works with DHL, a courrier company in Vanuatu and would talk to him about it.  So when we came back from the Solomon Islands, I asked Alerd if he had heard of anything concerning that matter.  He told me the person was going to check it out the day before and that day.  Then Benoit gets an e-mail from a brother David the next day, Wednesday, about our boxes that had been released and they should be delivered that afternoon.  I told Alerd and we found out that brother David was his friend, a member of his ward.  David told Alerd that it was a good thing he told him