
Showing posts from March, 2019

2019 Weeks 12-13 (17-31 March)

It is so nice to have this beautiful view outside when inside... It feels a little chaotic because some patio doors are being replaced.  The mission home was built around 1984.  A few areas are showing the house's age and slowly things are being replaced.  Of course the patio doors are not the same make and model and a few adjustments were needed.  They had to cut the ciment in the door openings to fit the new doors.  I covered the furniture and it did help a lot. The cement dust just goes everywhere and it is hard to get rid of.  I am glad I have Margret to help.  She has been working hard and I have tried to help but she did most of the work. Last weekend we were in Santo for a district conference.  The day we left for Santo we spoke to Audree about living with geckos.  As we arrived at the hotel room, one was right outside our door.  I had to take a picture  to show Audree.  They are just part of our everyday life, like flies.  Although I pref

2019 Week 11 (9-17 March)

We came back Friday March 8th in the evening from our mission tour. The next day we were welcoming four missionaries ( mid-transfer) who stayed longer in New Zealand to study English.  The two Elder are visa waiting in our mission.  They are both from Vanuatu and they are waiting to go to South Africa.  The one next to grand-papa has been waiting since June 2018.  I think we will request him to stay with us.  It was quite unusual because he went to the MTC in January 2019 after serving in Vanuatu for 7 months.  The two sisters are from Kiribati.  One mastered English a little better than the other one.  Luckily they arrived at the same time and one could help the other understand the orientation.  From what we have seen, the missionaries learn Bislama quite fast and loose the little bit of English they have learned.  We are excited to have them with us. This little angel fell asleep during Relief Society last week.  He had a sucker in his mouth.  His mom took it