
Showing posts from December, 2019

2019 week 52 (23-29 Dec.)

We had a wonderful week, enjoying the company of the senior missionaries on Efate and taking a little break.  It was so nice to visit with our children with Messenger and my mom.   Today we spoke with our birthday girl Skylar who is now three. Sweet, lovely girl!  We miss you.  How much we enjoyed hearing her bright laugh.  What a fun birthday she is going to have with her cousins as the children are getting together for a week in Myrtle Beach.   Comme j"aimerais un Rapidotron pour Noel  (si seulement ca existait) Christmas Eve we spent with the Senior Missionaries.  I made a pie and some fruit squares and they did the rest.  Great company and great food!  They made those beautiful sugar cookies      and     I made this apple pie. We were spoiled this year with the family calendar and other goodies from home.  The Sister Training Leaders of Efate made this tie for grand-papa and bought me this very interesting apron.  Look closer.

2019 Week 51 (16-22 décembre)

The last week of the December Zone Conferences.  We enjoyed being with the missionaries of the Efate, Tanna and Solomon Islands zones.  We felt such a wonderful Christmas spirit with them.  We were well fed.  Our spirits and tummies were full.  We had pork twice this week.  BBQ pulled pork and pork cooked the Polynesian way! Quite the feast! The highlight of the week was speaking with Jaden who turned eight years old on Monday.  We wished him a happy birthday and it was a happy day for us to see him and talk to him.  We wanted to give him a super duper hug but we have to wait a little longer before we can do that.  You better watch out all our grandchildren.  We are going to hug the stuffing out of you when we come back!!! On Monday we also saw a beautiful rainbow coming back from meeting with the missionaries for interviews and Mission Leadership Council.  The rainbow made me think of the covenant Heavenly Father made with Noah.  This is what we read in the Bible Dictionary

2019 Week 50 (9-15 December)

December Zone Conferences have started this week! Santo Zone  We first watched some missionaries in the mission sharing their experiences about Contacting.  We had several missionaries sharing and we had a 30 minute video to listen to. We assembled hygiene kits to share with friends with a pamphlet of the restoration and some goodies. We shared some scriptures about the Savior that we like and why.  We also wrote down on a star what we will give the Savior in 2020 Elder Tree, who just came in at the beginning of December, disguised himself as a Christmas tree. 😃  We shared a nice Christmas meal with Honey Ham, Chicken, Beef, Yams, Ribs, Salads. For dessert a fruit cake.   It was really good.                                           We also sang two Christmas Songs in Bislama. New Caledonia Zone Wes shared scriptures of the Savior, talents a good meal.  They also wrote their goal of what they will give the Savior in 20