
Showing posts from April, 2021

2021 Month 4:3 (19-25 April)

By Kate Lee "A mother's faith can lift her family through times of challenge, trial, and heartache.  Her faith can give encouragement to, bring hope for, and inspire confidence in her children."   President Nelson :" I invite you, my dear sisters, to create a home that is a place of security.  Simply said, a place of security is anywhere you can feel the presence of the Holy Ghost and be guided by Him." Bella and her mom made this doll out of a clothespin and a glove.  The project was the story of an immigrant, Bella's mom.  Doesn't the doll just look like her?  I think it looks absolutely great! I miss being a part of these projects but I am so thrilled they did it together and it turned out so well.  Yes girls, you do have the creative gene! I started the week scrubbing the baptismal clothes brought back from Tanna.  It took all night soaking and all day scrubbing and it was a little better but mostly still stained.😥 Horror of horrors, Monday night an

2021 Month 4: 2 (12-18 April)

Christmas is here! We finally received the calendar you sent for Christmas.  We are so thankful it arrived before we leave. We will miss the ginormous and succulent pamplemousses (grapefruits) here. It was a busy and grandiose week! We enjoy studying with our missionaries.  Friday morning we joined the missionaries in Pango for companionship study.  In the afternoon they were going to teach the word of wisdom so we decided together to study D&C 89. We discussed why the word of wisdom, and that the Lord always has a blessing attached to what he requires of us: " revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days__ given for a principle with promise , adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.  In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn

2021 Month 4:1 (5-11 April)

  We are surrounded by such beautiful flowers. Two flowers from our mission garden left this week.  Elder Teriitaohia will be circling the globe before he can finally arrive in Tahiti in 11 days.  😲 Sister Nalau returned home to the island of Tanna because of health concerns.  We are so grateful for their diligent work in the mission. The Lord is watching over his missionaries.  We had a lot of paperwork to prepare before Elder Territaohia was ready to leave.  Since it is a little complicated, we made sure he had a sim card in a phone so he could contact us. The best way to communicate is by Messenger.  We took care of that before he left.  When he arrived in Australia, he realized the sim card was not working.  He tried to find where he could purchase one but could not.  We really need for him to contact us every step of the way to make sure all is well.  As he was looking to find where to get another sim card, a member from Vanuatu, returning home, saw him and recognizing a missiona