2021 Month 4:1 (5-11 April)


We are surrounded by such beautiful flowers.

Two flowers from our mission garden left this week.  Elder Teriitaohia will be circling the globe before he can finally arrive in Tahiti in 11 days.  😲
Sister Nalau returned home to the island of Tanna because of health concerns.  We are so grateful for their diligent work in the mission.

The Lord is watching over his missionaries.  We had a lot of paperwork to prepare before Elder Territaohia was ready to leave.  Since it is a little complicated, we made sure he had a sim card in a phone so he could contact us. The best way to communicate is by Messenger.  We took care of that before he left.  When he arrived in Australia, he realized the sim card was not working.  He tried to find where he could purchase one but could not.  We really need for him to contact us every step of the way to make sure all is well.  As he was looking to find where to get another sim card, a member from Vanuatu, returning home, saw him and recognizing a missionary came to talk to him.  When he saw his plight, he gave him his own sim card.  I told Elder Teriitaohia that the Lord had sent him an angel.  Before he could board his next flight almost 12 hours later, he was able to contact us because of a little problem and all was resolved.  He should be arriving at his next stop soon (Doha) where three hours later he should be on his way to Paris.  I am so very thankful to see the hand of the Lord.  It is so comforting to me.

We had the pleasure of talking with one of our flowers in our family garden.  Our little man Jared turned 16 this week.  Mifala lavem yu tumas!!


The daughter of our previous bishop manages their bungalows to lodge travelers.  We have used them for missionaries coming from the islands preparing to serve or doing the online MTC.  Last Monday, one caught on fire shortly after the tenants had left to go out.  It was a sad sight to see.  



Luckily the houses close by were spared.  We can't get too attached to things.  We never know when it can all go up in smoke.  

The transport company came to get the things we are shipping back home.  It made me think that so many things can go wrong.  It can get loss at sea or whatever.  I thought even though I would miss some of what was packed, everything can be replaced.  It should be on its way sometime this month...

Families are what we should treasure most.

Life in Vanuatu:
                                                     Cascade, the sparkling water of Vanuatu

♫ This is the way we trim the hedges, trim the hedges, trim the hedges, in Vanuatu ♫

We are renting a new missionary house (we signed the lese this week).  This banana tree is right next to it.

I saw this post this week. The fourth monkey is the sum of the other three...
He sees no one, he hears no one and he speaks to no one.

Now that we have started to use technology in our mission, I can see the blessing of being disciplined with our devices and it is not just when we are serving a mission but always.  Here are some food for thought pictures from a lesson on being disciplined.


I enjoyed my studies of Come Follow Me this week D&C 30-36

Here are a few gems:


"inquire for yourself at my hand, and ponder upon the things which you have received" D&C 30:3

"It shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do and whither you shall go.  Pray always, lest you enter into temptation and lose your reward.  Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you."
 D&C 31: 11-13

 Heavenly Father will explain his words to us by the Holy Ghost:

" give heed to that which is written (scriptures) pray always that I may unfold the same to their understanding" D&C32:4  
 "the Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures are given of me for your instruction; and the power of my Spirit quickeneth all things." D&C 33:16

Heavenly Father is the one who calls and prepares us.  And we have our part to do.

D&C 33:1,8  " Open your ears and hearken to the voice of the Lord your God' and "Open your mouths and they shall be filled"

D&C 34:3-5 " you are my son and blessed are you because you have believed.  more blessed because you are called"

D&C 35:3,8,13 " I have heard thy prayers, and prepared thee for a greater work."
"I will show miracles, signs, and wonders, unto all those who believe on my name."
"I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thresh the nations by the power of my Spirit." 

D&C 36:2  " I will lay my hand upon you by the hand of my servant...you shall receive my Spirit, the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which shall teach you the peacable things of the kingdom."

I love this next one.  It reminds us of why we are here on earth.  We have a work to perform and we are working at becoming like the Savior so we will be able to return and live with Him.  This is not a time to sleep but to "gird up our loins" there is so much to do.

"For they will hear my voice and shall see me and shall not be asleep, and shall abide the day of my coming; for they shall be purified, even as I am pure." D&C 35:21



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