Week 3 16-22 juillet 2018

Bonjour à tous!

Another first this week: TRANSFER WEEK.  At the beginning of the week we said goodbye to those who have finished serving their mission.  Six of them returned home (5 elders and one sister).  They had their last interview with el presidente and they all came to the mission home for dinner Tuesday night.  I have to admit this was one part of our mission experience that scared me a little.  Not only worrying if I was going to make enough food but also are they going to like it.  Boy, the time we waste worrying. We had a very nice meeting with them and we are grateful for their service and the sweet testimony that they bore. May they continue their work for the Lord  in His Kingdom  here on earth and endure to the end.

How exciting it was to welcome  our first missionaries (7 elders and one sister).  What a dynamic bunch and how wonderful for us  to feel of their wonderful spirit and testimony.  They came to the mission home on Thursday afternoon for the orientation and dinner.  They were all helpful to set up and clean up.  Elder Pugh even helped me with serving dessert.  He said he wanted to be my favorite one. I told him it would be hard since all the missionaries are my favorites.  He said he would keep trying.  We met him and Elder Nielsen at the MTC before we came here.   We are looking forward to see all of  them again the first weeks of August when we will hold zone conferences throughout the mission.

Friday we went to visit two apartments on Efate, the island where we live, for some missionaries coming in August.  It was a fun opportunity to visit another part of the island that is quite beautiful.  We took a few pictures of the surroundings of one particular apartment.

We went a little further in the region of Etas to see a beautiful beach.  We will make sure to come back for a longer visit.

Saturday we went shopping for what we needed to snorkel later that afternoon. Benoit found a nice hat and a shirt with the colors of Vanuatu's flag.  Hemi stap hansam tumas.  He is very handsome.

Snorkeling will definitely be our favorite activity to relax.  Unfortunately we cannot take pictures in the water but I did find on line a picture of the underwater post office that we saw.  You can actually mail a letter underwater and scuba divers will pick up the mail and it will be delivered.  Interesting tourist attraction.

We ate at a Thai restaurant Saturday evening and Diane got a green coconut drink.  When the coconut is green, they peel it and the coconut is not as hard as when it gets dark brown.  The coconut water is so refreshing and when you break it the interior is nice and creamy.  Diane took it home and when she breaks it we will make ourselves some delicious smoothies.

Another fruit that we enjoy is the green mandarin.  The peel is green but the interior is orange as a mandarin should be.  It is also sweet and juicy.

Yufala i got wan gudfala wik.  Have a good week!


  1. Thanks for sharing those precious moments! We know the feelings on uncertainty... But I am sure you should not worry! The Lord is on your side and you are wonderful!

    In Toulouse, we had the cleaning lady long enough each to week to help prepare food (particularly during transfer week) and clean the mission office. Just an idea...

    We love you!

    PS: it is still early to talk about going to you as senior couple... we’ll see mid 2019...

  2. Can't wait to find out. It would be formidable to be here with you, sharing these precious moments!

  3. Hmmmm! Mandarines vertes! Nous en avons aussi! Jing rit quand je lui dis que nous sommes dans un pays exotique... hahaha!


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