Week 9 ( 26 Aug.-2 Sep.2018)

Alo evriwan, another exciting and busy week has zoomed by.  Transfer week, I have come to find out, is a very EMOTIONAL week for us.  Saying goodbye to wonderful missionaries we love so much, even after a very little time with them, is bitter sweet.  We are sad to see them go and yet so excited for the rest of their lives in front of them and what they will accomplish.  And then we have the new, a little overwhelmed and enthusiastic missionaries that we greet at the airport.  We are also so excited for their mission in front of them and what they will accomplish.  And mother hen (me) has a twinge of worry,  for some more than others, hoping  they will acclimate themselves well in their new environment.  😁

Sisters Ucunibaravi (Fiji) and Talataina (Samoa)  just arrived this week.  They are serving their third mission together.  You may think it is because they do not have anything else to do...
Sister Ucunibaravi became a widow after 15 years of marriage.  She had 6 children ages ranging from 2 to 12.  She told Benoit that she wants to serve the Lord because of the many blessings He has bestowed upon her.
Sister Talataina has been translating for the Church ( General Conference Talk, Ensign, Temple...)for 20 years.  For any of you who know how time consuming translation is you can appreciate the grandeur of her offering.  And she is still giving of her time and talents.  What a great example of consecration these two wonderful sisters are.
They have offered me their help for the meals when missionaries come and go.  I jumped on their gracious offer.   We have 2 missionaries leaving next transfer and 15 missionaries are arriving. Benoit is already busy preparing that transfer.  A lot of areas will need to be opened up, good trainers to find for the new missionaries... A few prayers his way would be welcomed 😌😍

Yesterday, Saturday, was our preparation day.  When we are in Port Vila, we try to explore the area.  We have found a gem about 20 minutes from the mission home.  I will let the pictures do the talking.  It is called Evergreen Cascades and Waterfalls.  There are 5 natural  pools where the water falls into that people can swim in.  We did not come prepared but we are sure to be next time we go.  It will be a lovely paradise of a place to take the children when they come visit.

                     Pool #1
                      Pool #2

Pool #3

Flower in a banana tree

Bamboo trees

Pool #4 with a natural slide


Natural stairs taking us to the waterfall.  In the wet season there will be too much water running too fast and it will not be possible to walk up.  

Pool #5 underneath the Waterfall

Our guide Jason

Can you see him jumping?  

A view from the evergreen. 
 It is time to fix dinner as you can see  from the smoke coming out of the bush.  The kitchens here are built apart from to the sleeping hut.  With all this smoke it is easy to understand why.

 Another view of Pool #1
With our sweet guide Jason.  We learned a lot from him.  He told us he had discussed ( they call it story here) with the elders.  I hope he will story with them again.  

Of course it is ten times more beautiful than on these pictures.  It was so peaceful and divine.
"Behold, are not the things that God hath wrought marvelous in our eyes?  Yea, and who can comprehend the marvelous works of God?" Mormon 9:16

"Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God.  I created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are.  I was with the Father  from the beginning.  I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and in me hath the Father glorified his name." 3 Nephi 9:15

I am so very grateful for this beautiful earth that was prepared for us.  

Lukum yu ol fren mo famli blo mifala  we mifala lavem olgeta tumas.
See you later all our friends and family that we love so much.


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