Week 19 ( 5-11 November 2018)

A few pictures from last week.  The download was so slow I gave up.  But I wanted you to see the last minute of a huge spider, it's on the outside by the way.  Not long after I took this picture, I heard a bang on the patio door of our room and when I looked up a bird was hopping towards the door and picked up a dead spider where I had just taken it's picture.
I also took some pictures of the plants in Solomon Islands

Well, here we are at the airport in New Caledonia on this Sunday afternoon going back to Vanuatu.  It was a last minute decision to come here to support our missionaries who have been cooped up in their apartments these last few days because of the referendum.  It was very nice meeting with them on Saturday.  We had a few things to attend to as we were here.  We wanted to be with one sister missionary to support her as she had a video call with her mother who was informing her about her grandmother’s health.  She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  We had a sweet visit with this sister after and it was wonderful to see her companion and other sister missionaries rally around her to comfort and support.  We felt so much love for the missionaries as we met with them.  It is a privilege to serve with them.
We noticed a lychee tree at the end of the church’s parking lot.  It belongs to the neighbor and there is a branch, heavy with fruits, hanging on the Church side of the fence.  Papa/grand-papa picked one that was half roped and it tasted very good (even if I tasted the tart side and he got the sweet side)
After the busy week he had, he deserved it.

We were told that the roof should be finished in another week.  I hope it will be.  It makes a big mess in some of the rooms inside.  Someone is supposed to come and deep clean those areas.  Deep clean à la  Vanuatu... On verra.

It was a week to help struggling missionaries, deal with the yearly audit, which was the easy part because of the wonderful work our young missionary did with the finances. 👍🏻😃
I visited doctors, dentist and pharmacies with our mission nurse and the area medical advisor and his wife, Elder and Sister Saunders.  Sister Saunders is a brave woman in my book as she accepted to have 3 lizards on her arms.  A little boy was offering tourists to hold his lizards to take pictures in return of a few vatus.  😳.
This tour not only made me see doctors' offices but really nice areas close to where we live.

And other interesting things... We saw it right next to the chapel.  It was camera shy.  

The mission nurse is leaving in 10 days.  So she also told me what she does with housing and medications etc at the mission office. I am a little scared 😱 to take the nurses’s responsibility.  We are not expecting any nurse to come in to replace her.  We do have a new senior couple coming in the first weekend of December.  The brother will be taking care of audits in the districts.  So we are planning to ask them to take care of housing when he is not busy with audits. Maybe the sister can help me with nurse responsibilities.

I just noticed this writing on the wall of the airport.  Okay, I get the message, I will stop worrying.
With everything that has been happening this week and I do not write them all,  we have found a lot of comforting and guiding words during our scripture study.
1Nephi 18
“ And the Lord did show me from time to time after what manner I should work...” verse 1
“ and I did pray often unto the Lord; wherefore the Lord showed unto me great things” verse 3
“And it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord; and after I had prayed the winds did cease, and the storm did cease, and there was a great calm.” Verse 21
“...Hear the words of the prophet,...and liken them unto yourselves, that ye may have hope...”1 Nephi 19:27
And many other scriptures that we read, helped me to calm down, gave us directions on what to teach the missionaries and made me love the Book of Mormon even more.

Bonne semaine mes chéries.  Yu gat wan gudfala wik fren blo mifala.  Have a good one.


  1. Wow! The wildlife in Vanuatu is amazing! Spiders, lizards and pigs everywhere! :) Thank you for sharing your testimony of the Book of Mormon. There are so many beautiful passages that apply to our lives in different ways depending on where we are in our lives. Your faith has never let you down! The Keller's love you, and we pray for you! Love, Barry, Aimee, CJ and Lincoln


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