Week 25 (17-23 Dec. 2018)

Joyeux Noel evriwan!

I cannot find any Nativity set here so I decided to make one.

This darling sister, Sister Meyer gave us a Christmas ornement she made ( drawing and all) 
And a picture of the Savior she made in June this year.  I will treasure them for ever.

 It is hard to imagine that tomorrow it will be Christmas Eve here.  Look at this beautiful tree filled with purple flowers from our backyard.

And how about the avocado tree that I can see from the kitchen.  Look at the size of the avocados.  I was told that they should be ready to pick in February.  I can only imagine the size they will be by then.  I will take some pictures of them.  Because of the wind and rain some have fallen down and I took three in the house to ripen two weeks ago.  They were small and very good.  

Monday was dentist day.  I took Elder Baca to the dentist.  His companion that day was a missionary waiting to go to the Solomon Islands, Elder Fifita.  His Bislama was very limited but that did not stop him from talking to people.  He started talking with this gentleman waiting to see the dentist.  He started asking Elder Fifita where he was from and soon I look up from reading the Book of Mormon and they are both sharing a Book of Mormon with the gentleman and Elder Fifita is asking him if he can share his favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon. My heart was full of love and of the Spirit.  What a privilege to see them about the work of the Father.

 Tuesday was an all day training of the District Presidents of the mission.

Elder Sitake ( serving in Solomon Islands with his wife.  He is also the first counselor in the Mission Presidency)
President Sauseru, District president of the Honiara District (Solomon Islands)
President Morgan, President of the Tanna District
Sister and President Duquette 
President Mole, second counselor in the Mission Presidency
President Tahorati, President of the Luganville District ( Santo)
President Vanu, President of the Malekula District

 Wednesday and Thursday we spend our time with the Santo Zone for interviews, zone conference and a zone activity for Christmas.

We enjoyed their presentation of the story of the birth of Jesus

This is Elder Larsen, the 6 foot 8 inches star of Bethlehem

 We enjoyed a good meal prepared by the missionaries
And a fun water balloon activity

 We came back to Port Vila Friday, just in time to pick up Elder and Sister Anderson who finally made it to our mission.  The date of their arrival kept changing.  We received the confirmation the day before while we were in Santo. We are learning to be flexible and always ready( or ready for anything)😁

The Christmas tree at the airport

I finished reading the Book of Mormon in French this week.  So many wonderful words of wisdom.  I have read this wonderful book many times in French, in English, in Spanish and still working on the one in Bislama.  Every time my testimony of the truthfulness and importance of this book is reconfirmed.  It is the word of God, another testament of Jesus Christ. I invite all reading this blog, with all the love I have in my heart for you,  to read it  again or for the first time.  It will be the best thing you can do for your happiness now and for ever.  

Enjoy each other during this Christmas Season.  We may be far but we hold you in our hearts.
Yufala gat wan gudfala taem lo Christmas.  Mifala I stap far be mifala gat wan bigfala ples lo yufala blo hat blo mifala.
Passez un bon Noël ensemble.  Nous sommes loin mais vous êtes tous dans notre cœur.  Nous vous aimons gros comme le ciel.


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