2019 Week 16 (14-21 April)

Allo evriwan,  
I wanted to take a picture of this face cream I use to ask Arianne if she could order and send me some, when I noticed my reflection in the dirty mirror next to it.  I could not resist to wave at all of you.

An update on the pool.  Last Sunday we took of picture of the nice green water of the pool.  Today a week later you can see the gradual process of getting the pool back to clear cool water.  Now that the summer here is over, I hope I can still use the pool when it gets cooler.  The dry season is from May to November and it is cooler then.  

Wednesday we welcomed the missionaries from the New Zealand MTC who come three weeks after their group so they can study English more before coming.  I hope one day they will come to the MTC earlier, start learning English and come here with their group.  Elder Teriitaohia is from Tahiti and is assigned to work in Vanuatu.  Since his visa is not ready, he will be working in New Caledonia.  Sister Hong-Moui is also from Tahiti (the largest island in French Polynesia, the South Pacific archipelago, it is shaped like an eight).  The sister next to me is sister Tekira, she is from Kiribati from the Central Pacific Ocean.  On the extreme right, we have sister Mark from Papua New Guinea (PNG for short in the southwestern Pacific)  It is pretty amazing to get to know these wonderful missionaries from all over Oceania. It is a privilege for us.

Yes, Sister Hong-Moui did eat... half of it.  She shared the other half with sister Mark who did not like what she had ordered.

We left them in the good hands of the office elders to continue the training on Thursday because we had to leave for Santo to hold the last zone conference of April.

The assistants are great.  We love having them with us to teach and take care of the missionaries.

We walked to go to the hotel where they served us lunch.  The missionaries love it there.  We should have taken a picture of the size of their plates of food.  A lot of them go for a second huge helping.  I
think they fill up until the next time we meet in 5 weeks! 

A good walk...

and some work to apply the teachings will help stay awake after such a big meal

Another edifying conference to ponder starting now during clean up. 😉

Our flight was an hour late and I enjoyed watching the beautiful children.  This little boy spent the whole time just watching people around him.  He watched the little girls playing and he was smiling.  I wondered if he would go and join them, they looked like they were having so much fun.  He got up but just sat in the row in front to better see some young people playing cards.  At one time, he was closely watching Elder Gunnel, one of the assistants, who was sharing with me excerpts of a talk from General Conference (Careful versus Casual)  I enjoyed that talk very much.  I hope the little boy caught some glimpse of the conversation.

 Saturday, we did the grocery shopping.  Fish anyone?

I passed and got tempted by the hot cross buns instead.  After all it is Easter weekend.
Ces brioches sont presqu' aussi bonnes que les brioches de carême POM.
Ça me rappelle toujours grand-papa Duquette qui ne mangeait que ces brioches le vendredi saint.  C'était un sacrifice pour lui car il n'aimait pas tellement.  Pour moi c'est un sacrifice de ne pas les manger toutes la même journée. 😀

What a great activity for good Friday to go to the temple and perform saving ordinances for about 132 ancestors.  I wish we could have been there with you.  Thank you for doing this.

Little Leah was crying because she wanted to go inside with her cousins.  One day soon.

Saturday, I was reading the scriptures in Come, Follow Me for Easter.

I was touched when I read verses 18 and 23 in Doctrine and Covenants 138:
"18 While this vast multitude waited and conversed, rejoicing in the hour of their deliverance from the chains of death, the Son of God appeared, declaring liberty to the captives who had been faithful;"
23 "And the saints rejoiced in their redemption, and bowed the knee and acknowledged the Son of God as their Redeemer and Deliverer from death and the chains of hell."

Thinking of our ancestors rejoicing in the hour of their deliverance on Friday.

It is a great adventure in Vanuatu.  What makes it so great is the privilege of sharing the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to the beautiful people here.  Sharing with them the joys and hope of our Savior's deliverance.  Helping them find the answers to the questions:
"Where do we come from?"   "Why are we here?"  and  "Where do we go after this life?"
The answers are found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We can find these pure teachings in His Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Happy Easter evriwan.

Yufala i gat wan gudfala wik.

Mifala lavem yufala tumas


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