2019 Week 21 (19-26 May)

Our week started with another beautiful rainbow.  It was a good omen of what was to follow.

21 May 2019

President Nelson was in New Zealand and there was a broadcast for all the missionaries in the Pacific Area. We just got bits and pieces because of the poor reception at the Church building.  Some missionaries in the mission were able to hear the whole thing and some did not.  We are hoping to receive the recording of that meeting so all the missionaries can view it when we get it.

Here are a few gems I was able to catch:

"Slow down and notice what is around you. Acknowledge the spark of divinity in others by the way you treat them."  Sister Gong

"Love and minister to your companion.  You will teach with unity and power and make a friend for life." Elder Gong

"Satan is mean and he hates truth.  Pray always that you may escape.  The fight with Satan was real then and is real now.  Those on the other side of the veil are with you and the people you teach.  We can be clean every day as we choose to repent."  Sister Nelson

"Take a look at who you really are in the mirror.  The people on the oher side of the veil are also praying for you. I bless you to feast in the word of Christ.  You will radiate His light.  The Lord will take care of your families while you serve.  Honor your mission president and his wife.  Be part of their solutions not part of their problems."  President Nelson

I am sure more gems were shared but we were able to hear just part of all the messages.  I am thankful for what I was able to hear.  I felt the Spirit and these few words were a blessing to me.

Kade, we did not need  the motto "Keep calm and Have a coconut" this week, but we were happy after a full day of interview for grand-papa and me to "Relax and Have a piece of Lemon Chiffon Pie"

Sister Anderson, one of our senior missionaries, bake this pie for us.  It is sooooo good.  We still have some left over because we are trying to stretch it  to enjoy it as long as we can.  She is a wonderful cook.  She and her husband are also a true blessing in our mission.  Blessed are the senior missionary couples.  What a valuable support they are for us. (with the bonus of a pie 😋)

It is such a joy for us to be with the missionaries for zone conferences.  We were uplifted by the comments and testimonies shared during the Efate Zone Conference this week..

Elder LaMont, who was our first assistant, was translating in Bislama for grand-papa.  He did a great job.  We appreciate the dedication of the missionaries.  They work hard.  We love to be associated with them in building Zion in Vanuatu.

 This is what happens when we don't pick up our phone right away after the zone picture is taken. We find these selfies.  I tell them we love it when they do that but do not stick out your tongues because I delete those. I want nice smiling missionary pictures as souvenirs.

Preparation day is usually on Saturday for us.  Yesterday we were busy preparing talks and training for the upcoming Zone, Stake and District Conferences the next two weeks.

In my studies of President Nelson's words from last General Conference,  I was touched by these teachings:
"In that coming day when you will complete your mortal probation and enter the spirit world, you will be brought face-to-face with that heart-wrenching question: "Where is my family?"

If you truly love your family and if you desire to be exalted with them throughout eternity, pay the price now- through serious study and fervent prayer- to know these eternal truths and then to abide by them.

Humble yourself.  Pray to have eyes to see God's hand in your life and in the world around you.  Ask Him to tell you if He is really there--if He knows you.  Ask Him how He feels about you.  And then listen."

At the end of zone conference this past Friday, the missionaries were sharing their testimonies.  I felt the Holy Ghost and it felt so good.  Then in my mind I heard: " I know each one of them.  I love each one of them.  I am with each one of them to help them."  It was such a sweet experience.  I also feel that these words were not only for the missionaries but for each member of our family that we love so much.  We want to be with each one of you for all eternity.

At the end of his talk President Nelson said:"  My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ invites us to take the covenant path back home to our Heavenly Parents and be with those we love.  He invites us to 'come, follow me.' "

I pray we will all do everything we can to be together always.



So we are working and we hear this noise like someone is hitting something in the house.  The culprit was our neighbor's rooster.  It is getting braver and braver.  It used to hide behind some trees close to its home, now it was at the patio doors banging on it with its beak.  When we came to the door, it nonchalantly turned around, gave us a "cocka-doodle-doo " and went back home.  I guess it wanted to say hi.


  1. Lol that rooster was so funny 🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is Kade by the way

  2. Keep going with your motto -love, Mason


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