2019 Week 28 (8-15 juillet)

Monday 15 July 2019

We just came back from Malekula to attend a district conference.  I was happy to see the soothing and familiar view from the mission home tonight.

It is nice to come back to our home away from home.  It is dinner time on the island of Efate as we can see from the columns of smoke from various outside kitchen around the island.

It was a busy week of office work. Friday we took a bit of time to go to the little mall in Port Vila.  The escalators are a little scary because they are flat and have an important incline.  The one going up were not working, so we got a good thigh work out.  Which is a good thing since we went to the pastry shop to get some croissants and pain aux raisins.  

 We walked around for a little bit, because it is a real small mall.  But it was still relaxing.

We saw good and sweet quotes and funky

Saturday we woke up at 4:30 to catch the early flight to Malekula.  We spent the day helping the District President with some forms to create three branches.

We then left to go to the Lakator Palm Lodge.  So since it was not too far, grand-papa decided we should walk.   

I was not too crazy about the idea at first.

But it turned out to be a great idea.  It was a beautiful day and it was nice to feel the wind and see the beauty around us.

We usually stay at the bungalows next door but Edna, the owner had overbooked.  So she got us a room in those bungalows.  It was a little overwhelming to me when I saw the room.  I guess because I was tired and did not feel like girl's camp accommodations. The bathroom  was part of the room but no roof over the shower.  The door to the bathroom was not closing and I was foreseeing a long night dealing with the mosquitos.  It was not a good moment for me.  So I had to practice what I teach the missionaries.  Take it to my Heavenly Father.  As I was pleading Him to get me out of that pity party I was in, Edna came to see how we were doing and if we would come to her bungalows for the next night.  I jumped on the offer and felt encouraged.  It was a very long night but at least the mosquitos did not bother me, just grand-papa 😏.  It was hot and with only one electrical plug we could not charge the phones and use the fan.  I just did not want to get out of the mosquito net to make the swap once the phones were charged, so I just endured.  

It was a very nice district conference.  I just love being with the people.  My Bislama is getting better.
I was touched by grand-papa's talk and felt I should share some part of it with you.
He talked about ministering but specifically ministering in our home.
"How great it is when it rains real hard, to be safe inside the house.  No matter the conditions outside, we can control the inside.  Safety is found as we remain close to Christ and his priesthood.  I am grateful for the priesthood we hold.  Each home should not only have the authority of the priesthood 
( obtained through our faithfulness by the laying on of hands) but more importantly feel the strength of priesthood power (through righteous living).
Priesthood must be active in the home for it to become a refuge.
D&C 121:41-42
"No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile"

As the priesthood holder presides, he must lead and show the way.
Christ was a servant leader, so should we.
Christ showed the way back to his Father, so should we.
Who gathers the family for prayer?
Who gathers the family for scripture reading?
Who gathers the family for family home evening?
Don't place that burden on your dear wife, take the lead.
Promise that spiritual experiences will abound.  Love, gratitude and appreciation will be expressed.

A brother in Quebec who was a transmission specialist and trainer in his field told me that it is amazing how many transmissions break because one basic principle was not observed:
Failure to check oil level.  He said take care of the oil and the complex electronic transmission will take care of itself.

So it is with our lives.  Life can be complex.  Our family faces many challenges.  Stick to the basics- keep your spiritual oil at the proper level and clean.

President Russel M. Ballard said:
" In our Heavenly Father's great priesthood-endowed plan, men have the unique responsibility to administer the priesthood, but they are not the priesthood.  Men and women have different but equally valued roles.  Just as a woman cannot conceive a child without a man, so a man cannot fully exercise the power of the priesthood to establish an eternal family without a woman...  It is crucial for us to understand that Heavenly Father has provided a way for all of His sons and His daughters to have access to the blessings of and be strengthened by the power of the priesthood."

How do I bless the members of my family through the priesthood I hold?
I pray that our family can always turn to the priesthood to find:
Safety, Compassion, Comfort, Instruction and Direction."

Grand-papa took this picture of some members eating their lunch in the shade of a coconut tree between the two meetings on Sunday 

We had to slow down on our way back from Church.  Some bull had strayed from the fields. 

We went to Edna's bungalows where I felt better about the surroundings.  They are adding a three room building to their little resort.  I took a picture of the men working on the roof.

I have to learn to chillout.  The last time we were in Malekula (6 months ago), our flight was cancelled.  I tend to worry that it will happen again.  It must me the little airport that gives me a feeling of being stranded in the middle of nowhere.😅

Well, we are home now so I should just

Mifala lavem yufala tumas!


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