2019 Week 30 (21-28 juillet)

It was a week of celebration for many.  

The oldest of our grandchildren turned 16 last Sunday.  The cute girl next to her that looks like her sister is actually her mom, our daughter Melanie.

  It was our wedding anniversary on July 24th.  40 wonderful years.  
We celebrated our 20th in South Carolina where we had just moved.
We celebrated our 40th in the South Pacific.  If we are around for #60, I just want to be with the family and that will be the most wonderful place to be.

Arial view of where we live and where we went to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.

It was a celebration for Elder Vaekau who has been reunited with his family now that he has finished his mission.  We are thankful for his service.

Today we were celebrating with the members of the Erakor branch.  They were having their branch conference in their new chapel.

Last but not least, we celebrated the reveal of our next grandchild arriving in November.  Another little princess will join our family, bringing the number of princesses to 6 and 9 princes.  Even the parents did not know.  Etienne and Melany found out as he was hitting the golf ball and pink exploded.

We went around this week with the assistants to pin on Google map all the missionaries' apartments and new Church buildings.  It took us a year to do this but we are now up-to-date 😏

We had to stop and take a picture of this store, just because it has Melanie's name on it. 😁

 We love Vanuatu and the happy people here.

What is the mission president up to? 

 He just wrote on the STL'S dirty car, "WASH ME" and signed Pres. D 

 We also love our senior couples working with us.

Sister Anderson and Sister Lindsey
It was  Sister Carlson's first week of training.
Here she is being tutored by Elder Wilson who was working in the office when we first came in and is now one of the assistants.

 My heart is full of love to my Heavenly father for his many blessings.

"Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my friends Benoit and Diane, your families are well; they are in mine hands and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power."  (D&C 100:1)

The Lord showed me this week in a most amazing way that our family is in the Lord's hands.
I cannot express my gratitude enough.

" Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end." (D&C 100:12)

Mifala lavem yufala tumas!

P.S. Look at the size of that thing hanging out on a tree outside:

 P.P.S We also received a piece of home and  that is always a reason to celebrate.


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