2019 Week 33 (12-18 Aout)

Another beautiful and busy week with the missionaries in Efate and New Caledonia for zone conferences.  Grand-papa saw 40 missionaries in interviews in Efate and 42 missionaries in New Caledonia. He also answered 46 missionaries' letters.  He is a lot more busy than I am.
I attended a class for 5 missionaries preparing to go home next transfer called " My Plan".  A missionary couple with the assignment of self-reliance supervised the discussion at the mission home.  It is a very good program to help missionaries at the end of their mission and after.

Efate Zone

                                        The wonderful sisters who helped with the food.
Sister Carlson (second to the left) had a catering business before she came on her mission.  It was her first time preparing the meal for the Efate Zone Conference lunch and not the last time.  I told her she is hired 😊 And I will need her help for the leavers and arrivers' meals.  She is heaven sent that is for sure. She has been helping in the mission office and is such a blessing.  She is leaving in June or July 2020.  I hope she can stay longer.😀

 New Caledonia Zone.  Sister Maifano wanted to make matching skirts and ties again for everyone but ran out of time.  She did not even have time to make herself and her companions one.  I told her she is very sweet to do this but she should not add that kind of stress on her.  She agreed.  😌

Soeur Turi has been taking care of making the food for the New Caledonia Zone Conference.  She is amazing.  

What a delight to be with such wonderful sister missionaries.  

 We now have the tracking system installed on the mission's vehicles.  Elder Lewis from the office in Port Vila got a chance to visit New Caledonia with us this time so he could train Sister Hunter.  This is the little office where Elder and sister Coallier will be working starting in January.  Their picture is already on the board there and we are telling our missionaries to be ready to welcome our very good friends.  We are going to spread that Quebecois accent in New Caledonia before long.😁

Elder and Sister Hunter, the amazing couple working in New Caledonia. The assistants and Elder Lewis posing with us before it was time to go back to Port Vila.

Today we visited Port Vila Nambawan ward for Church.  They are waiting for a nice building under construction right now.  In the meantime, they are meeting in a building and everyone stays in the same room for Sunday School and Primary.  It was quite a challenge to hear what was going on in our Sunday school class with all the voices rebounding off the walls.  The most interesting part was as they sing a different closing hymn at the end.  The adults finished singing before the children and I could only hear what the children were singing during the closing prayer. Even in these circumstances, the Spirit did teach me and this is what I would like to share with you:
"I believe that if we could daily remember and recognize the depth of that love our Heavenly Father and our Savior have for us, we would be willing to do anything to be back in Their presence again, surrounded by Their love eternally. What will it matter … what we suffered here if, in the end, those trials are the very things which qualify us for eternal life and exaltation in the kingdom of God with our Father and Savior?” Sister Linda S. Reeves
"Decide what you will do to “daily remember and recognize" God’s love for you." Come Follow me

I am sharing this goal with you and invite you to join me.  

This is what a mission president looks like on any given day.  He is doing a great job.  I know, I am sitting on the first row, and also next to him. I see how Heavenly father is helping him do the work He needs him to do. 

I was taking these pictures to put on the blog .  Thank you Heavenly father for this gorgeous place to work and live.

 Don't forget to daily remember and recognize God's love for you.

Mifala lavem yu tumas


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