2019 Week 34 (19-25 août)

I had to slow down this week because my foot was hurting around my ankle.  It does that sometimes. I am thankful that I am feeling better and ready for the zone conference in the Solomon Islands next week.

I finished the $40 bag of Belgian Chocolate Chips I bought a year ago. I hope I can find another one. Do not think that I have been eating less chocolate.  We have been buying Lindt chocolate bars also.😋😉

The main events this week were the arrival of a new sister missionary, Sister Halatokoua and the departure of one of our Elders finishing his mission, Elder Cox. And...

We attended the baptismal service of  Nadine and Sharon yesterday.
We met Nadine when she came to the mission office because we needed some quotes on air conditioning units.  Elder Anderson who has the assignment in audits in our mission was at the office that day and he started to talk to her  and when he found out she spoke French he made sure to introduce her to us and we started speaking French.  Elder Brady who was serving in the office then is from Mexico and he loves languages and had been working on learning French.  He started speaking with her also in French and offered her a Book of Mormon.  She accepted it.  Later, she came to the mission home to give us a quote on the unit we wanted to replace.  We had a good visit and I encouraged her to read the Book of Mormon.  Elder Anderson also takes care of housing for the missionaries and he had more contacts with Nadine and would ask her if she read the Book of Mormon, then started discussing with her what she had read and he asked her if she would like to meet with the missionaries to teach her.  This all happened a little over 6 months ago.  It has been wonderful to see the blessings coming into her life since she has been studying the gospel and the scriptures.  The biggest one being her younger son starting to change in his behavior.  He had been in one mess after another.  He has been coming to Church and listening to the missionaries also and he came to his mom's baptism yesterday.
She asked Elder Anderson to baptize and confirm her.  He was honored to do it.

Elder Larsen and his companion Elder Hales and the assistants all taught her.  Sharon who was baptized yesterday was also taught by Elders Larsen and Hales.  Elder Hales is finishing his mission in two weeks.  
Elder Larsen who baptized Sharon is the son of one of Jonathan Gingras' former missionary companion.

 He is one tall Elder

Definitely some great events this week.

Taking a walk around the pool on this windy Sunday.  Not talking on the phone but checking it up.

I came on my mission with three watches, thinking that would last me three years.  Before our one year in Vanuatu one gave up.  This week the wrist band on this one fell apart.  I had already tried to glue it several months ago and it lasted while it lasted.  The watch is still ticking...but for how long?
The third watch stopped working yesterday.  And so this is what I have left.  I will try and see if I can get some batteries for the other two.  A month ago, my phone overheated and I should get another one in a few weeks.  I am now using the IPhone I had before my mission.  It does not keep the charge very long.  Don't think I am complaining.  I am not.  It is just a reminder that things don't last forever and are not worth putting our hearts into them.

Birthdays this week:

Lovable Mason 10 years old

Lovable  Dylan 12 years old

Sweet Melany turning 30 years old today.


Hemia i stap laef we i no save finis.
This is for all eternity.

I took this picture last Thursday.  The view is so beautiful.  I was thinking of blowing up one of the pictures and putting on our bedroom wall in Utah. It won't do it justice but it will be a sweet reminder.

Yufala gat wan gudfala wik.  Mifala lavem yufala tumas!


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