2019 Week 35 (25-31 Aug)

Every week, grand-papa reads letters from the missionaries.  On Monday and on Wednesday.  Some weeks are easier than others.  This week was a little harder.  On Monday, after reading many letters of missionaries that are struggling with different things, it was a bit heavy on his mind and heart.  

Tuesday came with some challenges in the districts.  A rough beginning of the week that makes one think " two years instead of three sounds good right now." and  " I can see myself with all the family watching  them play board games.  That would be pretty nice right now."
There is a good side to the challenges that we face.  We always learn something and we always feel Heavenly father's help and love.  This time grand-papa decided to take a break and search the scriptures for guidance and comfort.  He found both.  Let me share one scripture that put things into perspective and helped receive more direction.
"And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not;  for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world"  John 12:47

You know, things will go wrong.  No use getting upset.  And how important it is to seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost to show us how we can help the Lord help his children.

This is what we saw coming out of our hotel room:  a banana tree.  These bananas are so good.  We had some for breakfast every day while we were in the Solomon Islands. 

On the mission compound in Solomon Island, one senior missionary couple, the Goodins, have planted a little garden:  Tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers.

One sister that cleans at the mission compound, has planted pumpkins and pineapples.

Lunch time during zone conference in Solomon.  I hope the missionaries feast as much with the spiritual food as they do with the lunch.  I know I do.  I just love to hear what the missionaries have learned in their study of 3 Nephi 11-28.  It is always a treat to feel the Spirit among the Lord's missionaries.

Another great event this week:  our Jason is turning 40 years old.  How can that be since we were 40 yesterday?  It was fun talking to him on his birthday.  I am so thankful for modern technology.  It does us good to feel close to loved ones even if just for a few moments.

As we left Solomon Islands we saw this rainbow through the plane's window.  Unfortunately, we did not capture how beautiful it was.  I love the beauty of light.

I read yesterday on the Church's website an article by Eric Adams a fourth-generation photographer about lessons he has learned from light.  This is a picture he took.
He said:" One way to consider how light affects our lives is to compare two common forms of light—flash lighting versus natural lighting. One is brief, intense illumination. The other is a steady, less intense light.
A couple of years ago, I had a “flash moment” in my life...
I was suddenly a 35-year-old father of three with only a fifty-fifty chance of survival. This was my flash moment. I just wanted to hug and love my wife and kids. I wanted to be a better husband and father. All of the other things in life didn’t matter anymore. The flash changed me.
But over time, life went back to normal. My focus started to get blurry again. Priorities shifted. While that single flash was powerful, it was not as lasting or useful in seeing things as clearly as with a continuous flow of light.
The scriptures witness that “[Jesus Christ] is the light and the life of the world” (Mosiah 16:9). He is our source of that continuous flow of light. Through Him, God’s love and light can fill us and help us grow.  The closer we get to a source of light, the brighter we become.
At times we find ourselves knowing that God loves His children, but we struggle to feel His love for us personally. Or we know that God answers prayers, but we doubt that He hears ours. It isn’t until we “come unto Him” through prayer, scripture study, and making and keeping sacred covenants that we become illuminated by His light.

I’ve found that it is by consistently making and keeping covenants with intensity and consistency that we can continuously feel the light and love of God. King Benjamin described this as being “steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works” (Mosiah 5:15). As I follow impressions to do good, to pray, to study the scriptures, and to try harder each day to be more like Jesus Christ, my focus changes. My consistency in these actions helps me to “keep the lights on” when it comes to being a better follower of Jesus Christ"
This is just a part of the article.  I liked the whole thing.  And the part that I chose to share with you, I know to be true.  Let us stay in the light.
Mifala lavem yufala tuuuuuumas!


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