2019 Week 42 (14-20 Octobrer)

The highlight of this week was our first ever Seminar for the senior missionaries of our mission.  The two couples serving in Solomon Islands and the couple serving in New Caledonia flew in Port Vila Monday and we spent a great day Tuesday discussing, sharing and feeling the Spirit.  We had a very nice lunch provided by the senior missionaries of Efate and concluded our day with another nice meal and a fire show.  We all felt filled spiritually and physically.  The Allen's, serving on Santo, were not able to make it.  They were hosting two daughters who came to visit them.  I am sure they had a wonderful time also but we missed having them with us too.

Vegetable and Potato Rosti
Penne Carbonara ( Big Bowl)

Good food!

It has been a week of study.  I enjoyed studying the talks from the first session on Saturday of General Conference.  I wrote a few questions and thoughts to ponder in light of the teachings received.  Here are some I would like to share with you:

1-  Strive to see Christ at the center of my life, my faith and my service. That is where true meaning lies.
2-  Joy is enduring and is founded on my efforts being accepted by the Lord.
3-  I must deliberately take time each day to disconnect from the world and connect with heaven.
4-  Joy is a gift for me when I am intentionally trying to live a righteous life as taught by Jesus Christ.
5-  Have I heard God's voice today?
6-  Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.
7-  How do I anchor myself to the Savior and remain faithful?  Every time I make and keep covenants.  I will become more like the Savior as I always remember Him, follow Him and adore Him.  Jesus Christ is the firm foundation, He is dependable and His promises are sure.
8-  My favorite scripture: " Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path." Proverbs 3:5-6

I have so many more notes and insights but I can't write them all down.  So I invite you to reread these wonderful talks and find the messages the Lord has for you.  He loves us so much.

We also had to prepare for the very busy week ahead.  We have 13 missionaries leaving and 11 new ones coming.  Usually, at the beginning of the week we have some time with the leavers then on Wednesday they leave in the morning and the arrivers start getting in sometimes on Tuesday night and also on Wednesday afternoon.  So the leavers are coming in Port Vila Sunday night and Monday night and leaving Wednesday morning and afternoon.  This time because of flights, some arrivers are coming in Port Vila on Monday evening (8:30 pm), Tuesday night (11:40 pm) and Wednesday afternoon  (3:25 pm).  We had an office meeting Friday trying to organize it all ( interviews of leavers, arrivers, where everyone will sleep, who is picking up whom at the airport and when, etc...) 😨😟😰

It was Eli's birthday this week.  How fun it was to talk to him.

Mango season is back.  It looks like we are going to have a lot!  I still have some in the freezer from last year!  What a blessing!

Yufala I gat wan gudfala wik.  Lavem yufala tumas!



  1. What wonderful pictures you shared. Also your thoughts on the conference talks. I do read one each day, gives me lots to think about when I go for my 4-6 mile walk. Frank is out of the hospital and recovering, not the best place to celebrate his 80th Birthday. Very thankful for the good care he received and great surgeon.

    Its always uplifting to read what is going on in your mission. Our prayers are with both of you. Prayers work! Love from Frank and June


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