2019 Week 43 (21-27 October)

Transfer Week done!!!!
We did it.
It had to be the busiest one yet.

It started with flights being cancelled in Tanna.  We were expecting most of the missionaries leaving to return home, first flying to Port Vila, Sunday night.  They eventually all got to Port Vila Monday afternoon.  The mission president (grand-papa) has an interview with all the missionaries returning home and all the new missionaries arriving in the mission.  So he spent Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and also Thursday ( the last two new missionaries) in interviews.
We had a great testimony meeting with the missionaries leaving followed by a nice dinner at the mission home Tuesday.  

                               They left Wednesday, 11 early in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.



The new missionaries arrived at three different times.  Of course, we go to the airport to greet them.

First group arrived Monday evening at 8:30 pm

Second group arrived Tuesday night at 10:40 pm.  That is not a typo.  We were happy that the flight was not full and we left the airport a half hour later.  That is pretty good.

The third group arrived Wednesday around 4:30 pm.  They were scheduled to arrive at 3:25pm.  Elder Perkins' big suitcase did not arrive with him.  He had a rough time in Australia because he did not have a transit visa.  So they did not let him go through customs to get his suitcase then go through customs again to check it to Vila. He asked an airport employee to do it for him but he did not know if it was done.  He was pretty discouraged when he saw his suitcase was not on the carrousel.  We took care of reporting it and I felt he would get it back but I was not sure when.  He was leaving Friday morning (check-in at 4:30 am) for New Caledonia.  I spoke with our senior missionary sister Hunter in New Caledonia to tell her about this and she said she had some extra clothes and if needed they would go shopping with him.  
He put on a smile for the picture at the airport but I know he was crying inside.  

We had orientation Thursday at the mission office and then at the mission home, followed by a wonderful testimony meeting.

A little power nap before dinner.

That is when we received the call that Elder Perkins' suitcase would be at the airport at 10:40 that night.  Grand-papa went to retrieve it and left it at the mission office so the missionaries taking Elder Perkins to the airport the next morning could pick it up. So thankful for our Heavenly Father taking care of us.

                                               He is smiling inside and out in this picture


 After dinner we took Sister Teraoi to be with her companion
Sister Hong-Moui who was wearing this T-Shirt.  We asked her if she knew about this team.  She did not.  She got it at a second hand store here in Port Vila. So grand-papa started explaining about that team and also mentioned the other stronger team in South Carolina, Clemson. 😏

We had missionaries traveling to their area Friday and Saturday.  

We needed to remind ourselves to stay calm.  I am not mentioning all the situations that happened this week.  Thank you so much for your prayers.  We need them.
This is why we have such a beautiful view.  It relaxes us and reminds us how great the Creator and Lord of the vineyard is.

 It's time to get some ZZZZZ's before the next  fast pace week starts. Zone Conference in Espiritu Santo, Zone and Stake Conference in New Caledonia.

I can't say goodbye without sharing one counsel from General Conference.
"We need to stay awake and be alert to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and the signals that come from the Lord's watchmen on the towers."  Elder David A. Bednar
  "Yea, and I also exhort you...that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil,... for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing."
Alma 34:39

Please do watch and pray.  The attacks are real.  We saw them a lot this week.

Mifala lavem yufala tumas.


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