
Showing posts from November, 2019

2019 Week 48 (25-30 novembre)

This week went by so fast.  We came back from Solomon Islands Monday evening.  I had fun decorating the mission home for Christmas a little every day, in between missionary work.   This year I put a lot more lights.  It is only fitting as we are celebrating the Light of the world.   One sad thing is that, as I was putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree, I heard a bang on the window next to me.  It was a poor bird who flew directly in the window heading for the tree.  It made me so sad.  That poor bird died.  So I close the shutters right behind the tree now. I have also put ornaments here and there and grand-papa said he better check his ears once in a while ( just in case I try to decorate him also.) We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Cornish Family.  Doctor Cornish moved to Vanuatu with his family this summer.  She served a mission in 1998 in Vanuatu.  They have three young children with them and a

2019 Week 46-47 (11-24 novembre)

The last two weeks we were in Tanna and then Solomon Islands for zone and district conferences.  We have limited internet use and when we do have it, it is spotty at best.  We learn to cope with its challenges.  We have such beauty around us to make up for it too.                                                                             Tanna At the resort where we stay in Tanna The biggest and most important event is the birth of Emma Ellie Duquette on November 16th, accompanied by tender mercies of the Lord.  She was born as  I was giving a talk in Tanna for the District Conference.  My phone overheated again at the beginning of the meeting and in a matter of seconds had no more charge.  I had with me my phone from before my mission that I use as an IPad. The internet signal in Tanna is very low.  I usually can’t use it.  But when I sat down , I received a message:  Emma is born!  I showed grand-papa when he was done with his talk.