2019 Week 48 (25-30 novembre)

This week went by so fast.  We came back from Solomon Islands Monday evening.  I had fun decorating the mission home for Christmas a little every day, in between missionary work.  

This year I put a lot more lights.  It is only fitting as we are celebrating the Light of the world. 
 One sad thing is that, as I was putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree, I heard a bang on the window next to me.  It was a poor bird who flew directly in the window heading for the tree.  It made me so sad.  That poor bird died.  So I close the shutters right behind the tree now.

I have also put ornaments here and there and grand-papa said he better check his ears once in a while ( just in case I try to decorate him also.)

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Cornish Family.  Doctor Cornish moved to Vanuatu with his family this summer.  She served a mission in 1998 in Vanuatu.  They have three young children with them and a few more in college, waiting for a mission call and one married. They are not sure how long they will stay.  We are really happy they are here.  I have received good counsels from him on how to help with the missionaries' health. 

For the last day of November we went exploring the island and found a place called "Back to Eden"  

It was a gorgeous day.  The timing was perfect.  We came just in time to see the dolphins playing and showing off.  We took some videos of them.  This place offers guided tour to see sea turtles while snorkeling.  We took some information and hope we can come back with some of our children when they visit.

Then there was the road back...

... Home

                Heavenly Father sent us back to Eden for this mission.  Such beauty all around. We are so thankful.

Today Nadine, who was baptized a few months ago, gave her first lesson in Sunday School.  She was nervous at first but she did such a good job.  She was very happy.  This is one of the many blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus-Christ.  Many spoke of happiness during General Conference.
Elder Stevenson said: " God speaks to President Nelson in our time like the prophets of old to lead His children to happiness in this life and glory in the next."

President Eyring said that greater happiness comes from greater personal holiness.  He quoted President Nelson: " When we choose to repent, we choose to change! We allow the Savior to transform us into the best version of ourselves.  We choose to grow spiritually and receive joy--the joy of redemption in Him. When we choose to repent, we choose to become more like Jesus Christ."

I liked the suggestion of President Ballard:  " Every night as I review my day in prayer with my Father in Heaven, I ask to be forgiven if I did anything wrong and promise to try to be better tomorrow.  I believe this regular daily repentance helps my spirit remind my body who is in charge of me."  He also said:  "...slow down a bit and think about where you are now in subjugating your carnal nature and empowering your divine, spiritual nature so when the time comes, you may pass into the spirit world to a joyful reunion with your loved ones..."

I am amazed at the peace and joy we are experiencing even in the midst of hardships.

D&C 101:16 " Therefore, let your hearts be comforted...for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God."

Mifala wisim yufala wan gudfala wik mo plante pis mo glad insaed lo hat blong yufala.
We wish you a good week and lots of peace and happiness inside your heart.

                 Mifala lavem yufala tumas.


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