2019 Week 46-47 (11-24 novembre)

The last two weeks we were in Tanna and then Solomon Islands for zone and district conferences.  We have limited internet use and when we do have it, it is spotty at best.  We learn to cope with its challenges.  We have such beauty around us to make up for it too.


At the resort where we stay in Tanna

The biggest and most important event is the birth of Emma Ellie Duquette on November 16th, accompanied by tender mercies of the Lord.  She was born as  I was giving a talk in Tanna for the District Conference.  My phone overheated again at the beginning of the meeting and in a matter of seconds had no more charge.  I had with me my phone from before my mission that I use as an IPad. The internet signal in Tanna is very low.  I usually can’t use it.  But when I sat down , I received a message:  Emma is born!  I showed grand-papa when he was done with his talk.  After the meeting another message, a video of when Emma was in Mela’s arms after just being born.  Grand-papa was already conducting temple recommend interviews.  I impatiently waited for the first interview to be over so I could run in and show it to him.  Then no more signal again.  Maybe 10 minutes later, I get another message this cute picture of Emma.

I barely had time to see it then “not connected to the internet” appeared on my screen. Finally, a few hours later, we get to the resort where we can catch up with all the pictures and comments, only in the dining area.  We have no signal in our bungalow.
Although it is hard to be far away and I will not be able to kiss those chubby cheeks for long time, I was so thankful that I was able to join in this joyful event almost simultaneously.  I felt so much joy, gratitude and peace!  The Lord knows our sacrifice and He blesses us immediately.
 Elder Gong said this past General Conference: "When we look with an eye of faith...we can see His tender mercies and encouragement, especially in our trials, sorrows, and challenges, as well as in our joys.”  I have experienced seeing His tender mercies in trials and sorrows.  This time I experienced it in my joy.

We enjoy spending time with the missionaries and the members.  We are uplifted by the member’s faith and diligence.  I always have to take pictures of the members arriving and then returning home after District Conference in the trucks for some of them up to 2 hour drive, if not more.  They are smiling, happy to be together.

The pavilion where me meet for district conference.     Thist is the missionary house

 The missionaries are a good example of something else Elder Gong mentioned:  “However often we stumble or fall, if we keep moving toward Him (Jesus Christ) He will help us, a step at a time.”
“When we want to change for the better, we can become open to direction, help, and strength.”
“While situations differ, when we do all we can, the best we can, and sincerely ask and seek His help along the way, the Lord will guide us, in His time and manner, by the Holy Ghost.”
This is our experience also. We sure know that this is true.

We attended a baptism in Tanna last week.  We drove to the sea and held the baptismal service at the edge of the water.  Beautiful.

 The two assistants now, Elder Barlow and Elder Veidovi both served in Tanna before.  The members and they were so happy to see each other again.  They gave our elders some mangos.  It is the season and there is plenty.

                                                     A little celebration Friday in Honiara

                                      While waiting for conference to start these two got creative.

During the Honiara District Conference in Solomon, the district presidency was reorganized.  It is so sad that sweet President Sauseru, who has been the district president for 7 years, is going through such hard times with his health.  He has diabetes and a wound on his foot has gotten worst and worst. He has had toes, part of the foot and last Saturday up to his calf amputated.  His sweet wife was with us yesterday when the changes were made.  She bore a beautiful testimony

The Children Choir provided the music for conference.  It was great.

                                                                             Le plus beau president de mission

Mifala lavem yufala tumas


  1. What marvelous experiences you are having and those saints are blessed to have you there. We love and pray for you always. Happy Thanksgiving.


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