2020 Semaine 7 (10-16 février)

This week could not start any better with Etienne and his family’s visit on Messenger.  It was actually the highlight of the day and I am sorry grand-papa was not with me to enjoy it.  Still, it was a boost for both of us.  Challenges kept piling up and it was a reminder that there is more to this than all the balls that get thrown at us.  I read also such a comforting scripture in D&C 38:7-8
“But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you.  I am in your midst and ye cannot see me;  but the day soon cometh that ye shall see me, and know that I am; for the veil of darkness shall soon be rent...”

The 4 district presidents came to the mission home on Tuesday for some training.  A tropical cyclone Category 2, was moving towards New Caledonia but we could still feel it’s effects since the previous week with heavy rain and gust of winds.  One of the district president was not able to fly on Monday because all flights from Malekula were cancelled till Friday.  We also had missionaries in Malekula scheduled to fly to Santo on Tuesday for zone conference this week.  Miraculously, and yes it was a miracle, the district president coming to Port Vila and the missionaries scheduled for a flight to Santo, all felt impressed to still go to the airport early in the morning.  The sky was not dark anymore and it just felt right for them to go.  As soon as they arrived, a small plane was there and the pilot got 12 of the 16 missionaries in for Santo.  The district president was able to fly a few hours later to Port Vila.  His flight was pretty rough though.  And on Wednesday morning the 4 missionaries left were able to come to Santo.  We were all so grateful.  The district president from Malekula has just been called a few weeks ago and he really did not want to miss the training.  I think it was a productive and helpful meeting.  The missionary couple serving in Solomon Islands and the one serving in Santo have been such a blessing for these leaders.  Both husbands serve as mission counselors.  One couple is leaving in April  and so far we have no one to replace them.  The other couple will stay until May so they can train the couple replacing them and arriving at the end of April.  We are very relieved to have this couple coming.  They not only help the members but they also are a great support to the missionaries.

                                                                                                         Champagne Beach

                                                                Blue Hole

Resort where we went for dinner

We had planned a one day vacation in Santo to visit this beautiful island.  It had been raining for two solid weeks there because of the tropical low close by.  So we left with the Allens, the couple serving in Santo, hoping we could enjoy our day of vacation.  The flight was smooth, and the sun was shining when we got there.  It felt like Heavenly father was telling us:  ”Here is nice weather, enjoy the day and the rest.” We had such a delightful time with the Allens.  Here are some pictures to give you a faint idea of how gorgeous it is.  It was very nice while it lasted but soon, a phone call came to bring us back to reality.  You can see grand-papa walking while talking on the phone.

                                     The title of this picture “A mission president’s vacation day”

After that, we changed, checked in our hotel room, had a nice dinner with the Allens and concluded the day on a sad note.  We have one missionary serving in Solomon Islands and his father suffered strokes and is dying.  The missionary was scheduled to finish his mission in May and wanted to stay but his mother and sister have asked him to please come home.  They need him.  He flew to Brisbane on Saturday.😢

Thursday and Friday was interview day and zone conference for Santo and Malekula.  All missionaries were able to attend.  I have noticed that when we do role plays where the missionaries can practice teaching skills, the Spirit is so strong, testifying of the truth being taught.  This time it was particularly amazing as the missionaries were telling the story of the First Vision in Joseph Smith’s own words.  As we concluded zone conference with a testimony meeting, our hearts were deeply touched by the challenges the missionaries were sharing and how the Lord had helped them overcoming them.  I will share one story.  After zone conference in December, one missionary received the news that his younger brother was killed as he was trying to break-up a fight.  When we heard about this, grand-papa had talked to him.  During his testimony, he shared how difficult it had been for him and how he found solace.  He shared a scripture that we could feel had been an anchor for him in Mosiah 7:33
“But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.”
He testified that he knew for himself that this promise was sure and true.
I felt so privileged to be there, in that sacred setting, witnessing how the missionaries had deepened their conversion through the trials they had faced.  My heart rejoices in the tender mercies of the Lord.  We would like for our loved ones to not have to suffer.  I realized again that this is the way to experience for ourselves the power of deliverance of the Lord when we suffer in bondage and see His mighty hand rescue us when we “turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.” I rejoice they have experienced this.  I know like they know it is true. It is real.  It is wonderful.

One missionary gave grand-papa a nice necklace.  I told him I would like to wear it when we come back home.  He may wear it here but I do not think he will wear it once we are back home.

Elder Yamashita of the quorum of the Seventy, serving as second counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency, is with us this weekend for the Luganville District Conference in Santo.  He arrived at lunch time on Friday and came to join the missionaries for lunch and bore his testimony.

The training Saturday afternoon was a little hard for Elder Yamashita because the people here are very shy and they do not participate easily (even having them to raise their hand.  The best example of low profile I have ever seen.  😅 Also it was the first time for a return missionary providing the translation and it was very hard to do.  There are not as many words in Bislama as in English and you have to translate the idea of or the definition of a word.  They were not synchronized at all.

 The second training for the adult session went a lot better.  Maybe the members were getting used to Elder Yamashita's style and they were participating a little more.  One of our missionary did the translation and it was easier for him to do so.

It was super hot.  How hot?  Just look at grand-papa's socks at the end of that day.

We had a great session on Sunday.  I was a little worried because I was not feeling well in the morning.  I had stomach cramps.  I asked grand-papa for a blessing about 10 minutes before it was time to leave.  We checked out of the room and as soon as we arrived at Church I was fine.

Before the meeting started, a sweet older sister came on the stand and gave me this beautiful necklace she made.  I was touched by her gift.  I will still wear grand-papa's necklace too. 😉
We love the people here so much.  They are so humble, full of faith, generous and loving.

 We went to visit the area where some members that lived in Ambae and had to evacuate their island over a year ago because of the volcano ashes They are builing house and this is one that is almost finished.  It will be covered with a kind of stucco/cement.  We took a picture with the branch president and his family that live right next  door to this house.  They also have a chicken project for the community.  These people do not have much but they value what is most important : FAMILY

We took Elder Yamashita to the airport on Monday and I had so much laundry to do.  I forgot about the blog and so I am publishing it a few days late.  Better late than never right?

Yufala I gat wan gudfala wik!



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