2020 Semaine 8 (17-23 fevrier)

It is always nice to rest a little bit the week before transfers, especially after all the traveling done the previous week, just catching up at the mission home.  We are preparing for the transfers with one missionary returning home and three missionaries arriving to start their mission.  

Below is THE BOARD  with all the ins and outs that will happen next week.  

I noticed as I was taking a picture of THE BOARD, this list of the Public Holidays in Vanuatu.  So I thought I could share that also, just for fun 😏

This week, I was busy tying loose ends.  I was also in a mood of organizing and cleaning so I spent a good portion of the day Thursday in a drawer that was used by the mission nurse.  She finished her mission in November 2018.  I was looking for a catalogue to order in bulk to replenish the first-aid kits in the missionaries' apartments.  I found what I was looking for and much more, but that went in the waste basket.  I also started organizing the transfer board in the mission office.  It was an eye sore to me (font used, no clear separation between the zones, etc).  It was all over the place.   I worked at it for 3 days. It feels good and I like looking at it now.  

Saturday we had a lunch with two wonderful senior sisters who will be returning home next week.  They helped the stake members and leaders and the missionaries so much.  They went to the rescue and reached out to hundreds of members who came back to the fold.  It is their third and I think final mission together.  Sister Talataina is from Samoa and Sister Ucunibaravi is from Fiji. We love them so much and we will miss them so very much also.  Sisters Carlson and Ormsby organized it all.  These sisters do not want us to fuss over them and they don't even want the members to know when they are leaving.  We are happy we got to have this luncheon with them.

I should have taken a before picture of the board.

 I read a comforting scripture this week in D&C 38:7-8

"But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me;
But the day soon cometh that ye shall see me, and know that I am; for the veil of darkness shall soon be rent,"
It made me feel that I am never alone and the Lord is watching over me.  I look forward to the day when I will see Him.

Take care!


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