2020 Semaine 9 (24 février-1er mars)

Another great month has passed!  It is going quite fast and it will all look like a blur pretty soon if we are not careful to savor the here and now.  One of my resolution this year is to write everyday in  my journal.  So far so good.  It really helps me savor every day and I feel so grateful seeing the hand of the Lord everyday.

This week was "Transfer Week "

                                                                     The Leavers

                                                     Elder Pulotu (Originally from Hawaii)
Sister Ucunibaravi ( Fiji)                                                           Sister Talataina (Samoa)

We are at the airport a lot, either for travelling or welcoming new missionaries, and we have seen a lot of improvements to our little airport.  The latest are these signs we saw when picking up the new missionaries this week.  It looks nice.

Welcome to Sister Melota Tapusoa from Samoa.  This is her last name.
Sister Uriam from Kiribati.  A little easier to remember.
and Elder Arriola Alvizuris from Guatemala.  He is the first one from that area.  Name tags in Bislama had been ordered and we will have to order some new ones when we discovered two last names were longer than we thought. 😁
It is always so touching to me to hear them bear their testimony in the very little English they know.  I feel the power of the Spirit and think " this is what they have come here to do:  share a pure testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel.  Even with limited vocabulary, there is a power to their testimony that is felt and it fills me with joy.  

We enjoy these precious moment.  We still are missing other precious moments with our grandchildren and their projects and presentations that we would so much like to be a part of.

Jared's science project on bringing Mammoth back to life. How cool is that! 😲

Jacob's performance as Charlie in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


We enjoyed the Marco Polo videos.  Technology brings us closer to the family and we are so very grateful for that.  I printed the lyrics of  "Think Positive" song Jacob sang.  It is my new favorite pick-me upper song.

Here it is for all to enjoy:
Think Positive from Willy Wonka

You've nothing to lose so why not choose to think positive?
Whenever my luck is on the blink, I think positive!
Whenever I'm feeling down and out and don't know what to do,
I never give way to fear and doubt,
'Cos thinking positive sees me through!
Whenever my stars are out of sync, I think positive!
I write my thoughts down in purple ink, and think positive!
Remember this song when things go wrong,
Then you'll know what to do!
In no time you'll be thinking positive too!
Whenever I think I'm in the drink I think…POSITIVE!
Whenever my luck goes down the sink I think…POSITIVE!
Whenever you're feeling low or lost, just take a tip from me!
You're wasting time to count the cost,
'Cos thinking positive, that comes free!
That's right!
Positive is the way to be!
Whenever I'm teetering on the brink, I think positive!
The moment I do, I'm in the pink, I think positive!
Remember this song when things go wrong,
Then you'll know what to do!
In no time you'll be thinking positive too!

The door of the mission president's office got "heart attacked" for the birthday boy.

We also enjoyed video chats, messages from family and friends.  It's a great feeling to be loved.
And how wonderful it is to love.
No one loves us more than the Savior.  My favorite scripture this week while doing "Come, Follow Me" is found in 2 Nephi 26:24,33
"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him.  Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation."
"...for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him.."
We love the Lord!

Mo mifala lavem yufala tuuuuuuuuuuuumas!


  1. Belated Birthday wishes President Duquette. It's amazing to read all the experiences you and your wife are experiencing in such a beautiful place. Bless you always. It's snowing today, wish I was there! Ha Ha

  2. Hi grand-maman I was just dropping by to say that my mom did one of the maro polos!❤🤗 -kade ;p-


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