2020 Semaine 17 (20-26 avril)

How to start?  It was another full week.  Full of office work ( I felt drained at the beginning of the week)  I asked Heavenly Father to help me with more energy.  I received revelation.  It was a week full of revelations.

It was that kind of a week!

I have been training a new missionary to take care of the finances.  It is nice to be able to do it in French.  He is from French Polynesia.  It is easier for him and he has also studied in accounting before coming on his mission.  He is learning fast and I have to remember fast also.  Grand-papa had interviews with all the missionaries in Vanuatu this week.  More revelations came his way.  

I have received revelations at 4:00 am  one morning, bringing peace, comfort and direction.

I have been reflecting a lot on what I have learned so far on our mission.

1. A reminder that the sooner we turn to the Lord, the less we need to suffer and the sooner we can feel the Spirit guiding us and helping us.

2. The importance to forget oneself completely in the service of the Lord

3.  This is absolutely necessary to develop mercy and be filled by charity.

4.  To forget oneself requires humility which invites the Spirit.. He is the one that helps us develop Christlike attributes and learn how to love like Christ.

5.  I love to feel His peace and I love to receive revelations guiding me to be an instrument in the Lord's hands.

6.  I love to help and teach the missionaries.

7.  I am filled with joy when I see them grow and understand important principles.

I see the Lord's fingerprints everywhere.  And, yes Kade, a category 5 cyclone is scary,  but Heavenly Father is watching over us.

I wrote on this board a year ago about charity.  It is an ongoing process to acquire this most important and precious gift.

When we see all these fires in the distance, it is dinner time!

Tata, fren mo famili blong mifala.
Mifala lavem yufala tumas.
Lukum yufala nikis wik.

Goodbye friends and family.
We love you
See you next week


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