
Showing posts from May, 2020

2020 Semaine 22 (25-31 mai)

Looking outside to find my inspiration on how to start the blog this week. I am going to start with family news today. Our sweet grandkids are growing so fast!!! This sweet one is now 6 months old, crawling and working on standing up. This handsome fellow started playing baseball and thanks to technology we saw him hit that ball pretty hard! And this young man started working part-time at Vicone High Performance Rubber Products... cutting a lot of rubber tubes.  It will be encouraging when he gets his first pay check.  Lâche pas mon beau Jaredou!                                             Another busy week in Vanuatu It was a week of goodbyes. Wednesday, 27 May 2020 the following missionaries left our mission.  They were either done with their mission or repatriated to finish their mission in their home country. We first had an video call with the Sitakes who were serving in the Solomon Islands.  They agreed to stay an extra 50

2020 Semaine 21 (18-24 mai)

The new receptionist and...                                           In his free time, the travel coordinator This is what multitasking looks like for a mission President and his companion.   We are blessed to have two wonderful Elders helping out. One of our great accomplishment this week:  Change the hand sanitizer box in the dispenser. We needed the two of us to accomplish this feat!                                           We are growing into two well rounded missionaries with more skills than when we arrived. 😁😁 Mostly this week, we did a lot of praying, pondering, more praying,  to know the will of the Lord for our missionaries. It is a very unusual time.  We always need the guidance of the Spirit.  And now we need revelation to navigate the clouds of uncertainty. We feel a lot like Alma in our study of the Book of Mormon this week in Mosiah chapter 26. "And now the spirit of Alma was again troubled; and he went and inquired of

2020 Semaine 20 (11-17 mai)

Our hearts exclaim: "For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies, Lord of all, to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise." (For the Beauty of the Earth,  Hymn 92) Zone Conference Week! It was so wonderful to be with the missionaries, in person or by video, to teach one another and feel the Spirit together.  For the missionaries on Efate, we met at the mission home.                                                                      Blacksand Zone   Efate Zone New Caledonia Zone, we held a video zone conference from the mission home As we did for the Solomon Islands Zone We do prefer to be with them in person but we can still feel the Spirit and it feels so good to connect with Him and them. I think this will be the new normal for a while.  Even when the borders open, we would have to quarantine for 14 days before holding the conf

2020 Semaine 19 (4-10 Mai)

I took a few pictures of my walk to and from Immigration Office that I have been seeing almost every week for the past month.  I took on the responsibility to renew work permits and visas.  We cannot apply for new ones but we can do renewals.  We are half way through with the process for our own documents. Just waiting for the visas now, then we are good for a year.  Windows on the visa side of the office. New sign on the window of Immigration Office                                                                                                                           The Labor Office (on the other side) The view from the Immigration building                                                                                                              Walking down Main Street back to the Mission Office Public Library Popular snack bar with the missionaries                                        Very narrow streets This