2020 Semaine 21 (18-24 mai)

The new receptionist and...                                           In his free time, the travel coordinator

This is what multitasking looks like for a mission President and his companion.  
We are blessed to have two wonderful Elders helping out.

One of our great accomplishment this week:  Change the hand sanitizer box in the dispenser.
We needed the two of us to accomplish this feat!  


We are growing into two well rounded missionaries with more skills than when we arrived. 😁😁

Mostly this week, we did a lot of praying, pondering, more praying, to know the will of the Lord for our missionaries.

It is a very unusual time.  We always need the guidance of the Spirit.  And now we need revelation to navigate the clouds of uncertainty.
We feel a lot like Alma in our study of the Book of Mormon this week in Mosiah chapter 26.

"And now the spirit of Alma was again troubled; and he went and inquired of the Lord what he should do concerning the matter, for he feared that he should do wrong in the sight of God.  And it came to pass that after he had poured out his whole soul to God, the voice of the Lord came to him"

Once again I have found solace and confirmation in the scriptures.  D&C 18:33-36

"And I, Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, have spoken it.
These words are not of men nor of man, but of me;  wherefore, you shall testify they are of me and not of man;
 For it is my woice which speaketh them unto you, and by my power you can read them one to another; and save it were by my power you could not have them;
Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words."

Our prophet and leaders are inviting us to "Hear Him"  We read in Mosiah 26:21  "And he that will hear my voice shall be my sheep;...and him will I also receive."

Stay safe.  Stay close to the Lord and hear Him.

Mifala lavem yufala tuuuuuuuuuuuuuumas!


  1. Love reading your spiritual insights. This is a strange time to be a missionary but also a blessed time. Carson .ca e home after 7 mos. in Brazil. He has been reassigned to Bakersfield .ca. We continue to pray that he and the Lord will choose the right decision. He is questioning going back out into the field. We hope and PRAY he will choose the hard and blessed path vs the easy path. We to are trying to bet used to what they are calling the "the new normal." I to pray we will get comfortable with it. I do miss the friend shipping and physical hugs of our Ward members. Our continued prayers are with you as you continue to love and guide those sweet missionaries.
    Love you JoDee (Sara's mom)


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