2020 Semaine 19 (4-10 Mai)

I took a few pictures of my walk to and from Immigration Office that I have been seeing almost every week for the past month.  I took on the responsibility to renew work permits and visas.  We cannot apply for new ones but we can do renewals.  We are half way through with the process for our own documents. Just waiting for the visas now, then we are good for a year. 

Windows on the visa side of the office.

New sign on the window of Immigration Office

                                                    The Labor Office (on the other side)

The view from the Immigration building
                                     Walking down Main Street back to the Mission Office

Public Library

Popular snack bar with the missionaries                                        Very narrow streets

This building needs a fresh coat of paint                                           One of the many many buses

Up the hill and I am almost there...                                  to Vila Mall where the Mission Office is

Wednesday evening and night the rain and wind were very strong.  The next day we saw that a tree had fell down but the webs of three spiders were still there.  Pretty good builders and strong building material (lightweight, flexible and durable).

 There was a lots of leaves on the ground and in the pool.  No exercises in the pool this week.
The weather has cooled down since then.  I wonder if I will start the exercises in the pool in a few months.  The water was already cooler last week.  The company came to clean the pool the next day but with all the leaves on the ground, I guess they decided to wait until that mess is cleaned up.

SO VERY THANKFUL FOR TECHNOLOGY !!!  Especially when it works.

We had The Pacific Area Mission Leadership Seminar this week.  It was planned for us to be in New Zealand but wait, there's a new kid in town COVID-19, change of plans, stay home and we will use ZOOM.  Yes it was disappointing but we rejoiced at the prospect of still being able to meet together with the other Mission Leaders.  Our prayers were answered and we had a solid signal the whole two days.  Plus an unexpected blessing!  President M. Russel Ballard, acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and...President Russel M. Nelson, our prophet, joined us at the beginning of the seminar and spoke to us about 10 minutes each.  Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Carl B. Cook of the Presidency of the Seventy were there and they came back the next day to teach us and answer questions.

It was an amazing surprise and I am sorry I did not think of taking a picture while Presidents Ballard and Nelson were speaking to us.  I did take some notes.

President Ballard told us to deliver this message to our missionaries.  He used Doctrine And Covenants section 11 saying that this message that was given to Hyrum Smith applied to our missionaries.  Hyrum was eager to know the will of the Lord concerning him.  
He pointed out certain verses, and suggested we study the whole section, with these comments:

Verse 3:  never lose sight of the worth of souls
Verse 8:  If you desire, you will be the means of doing much good in this generation
Verse 9  The Lord feels the same about you
Verse 20:  This is our workd
Verse 21: Take advantage of this time to seek to obtain the word then your tongue will be loosed.
People will feel before they know.  Do this work with the power of God then the people will be touched.  Always begin with what people feel.  Missionaries need to feel worthy.

President Nelson reminded us that our eternal responsibility is to love one another as a couple and with our families.  These relationships are eternal.  Do the best you can to involve your children in your experiences.

I pray we can be better at sharing with you this hard and yet wonderful experience.

He continued by saying that the Doctrine of Christ was heaven sent.  There are 2 important messages:

1- Gather Israel.  We have made a promise to gather Israel.  We are moving rapidly now.  We have a member of the Church in every country now.

2- Christ will come again.  He said he would liken the preparation of the second coming of the Lord to the preparation of  receiving a new temple.

Only the restored Church can give the ordinances of the Temple.  Goodness alone is not enough.  We need ordinances.

Tell the missionaries to begin every teaching with the end in mind.  Not only how good they will look dressed in white for their baptism but also how beautiful they will look dressed in white at the Temple being sealed to their family.

The Church exist to help people, to make life better.

We are so grateful for the teachings also of Elders Stevenson and Cook. The meetings were uplifting and comforting as we felt the Holy Ghost bringing us joy, the peace and love of Christ in our hearts.

The crowning moment of the week!  A visit with our beloved family on Mother's Day.  There is no better present than the presence of our loved ones, even by ZOOM.  Thank you Heavenly Father for technology.

My heart is full.

Mifala lavem yufala 


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