2020 Semaine 25 (15-21 juin)

It was a zone conference week! 
 We always pray the missionaries will feel the Spirit in their heart and will find the courage, especially in these difficult times, to experience for themselves the great joy of trusting the Lord and putting Him first.
We met at the mission home.  We met with the Efate zone in two separate days.  Elder Yamashita of the Area Presidency and his wife joined us through technology both days.
The third day we met with the Solomon zone.  A week earlier, they had a special meeting with Elder Kupu an Area Seventy in Tonga and his wife through Messenger.  This pandemic is not only creating difficulties.  We have been enjoying some perks also.

We did feel the Spirit as we shared and instructed one another.
I wonder if it is not like what happened to our pool this week and in  this time of year.  Too much water was put in it and it overflowed.  It is too cold to be used right now and the water just stays there unused.  We can feel the Spirit until it feels like it overflows.  But if we do not use the inspirations received, it just stays there unused.

It is a challenging time!  Some of our missionaries (13 of them) have passed their released date (some since the beginning of April or the middle of May) or will in a week.  They are still here with no indication when they will be able to return home.
As Henry Ford said:
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right."
How can we encourage them to know that they can do this with the help of the Lord, is the great question we keep asking ourselves.
The study of "Come, Follow Me" this week Alma 13-16, we read of the great sacrifices that were made for the Lord and by the Lord.  What did Amulek give up and what did he gained?  It is a personal journey for each one of us.  Alma and Amulek had been born of God.
"Yea, and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy of which I did taste; that they might also be born of God, and be filled with the Holy Ghost." Alma 36:24
I did taste of this joy and it is well worth all the sacrifices.  It does not make it easy but I have learned like Alma to trust in God and He will still deliver me and help me always.  Our dear missionaries, our sweet grandchildren, everyone need to learn this for themselves.

Another Vanuatu unique contraption:

We were following this truck this week and I was thinking the passengers will be probably more comfortable than others but I am not sure about being more safe. 😃

Two years ago today, we were set apart for this wonderful experience!  It is quite an adventure!
Thank you Heavenly Father for watching over us and helping us do thy work.

Lukum yu nikis wik.  Lavem yufala tumas!


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