2020 Semaine 26 (22-28 juin)

Last Sunday was my birthday.  After I finished writing the blog and published it, I saw this amazing rainbow outside.  The colors were so much more vibrant than on this picture.  I felt I had received a birthday gift from Heavenly Father.  He knows how much I love rainbows.

The joy of my birthday lasts two days while we are here because of the time difference.  This year it lasted 4 days because of being able to see and talk to our children and grandchildren 4 days.  
Three of those days were for my birthday and the fourth one was a bonus to celebrate Coralie's high school graduation.


The oldest of our grandchildren graduating high school!  Time flies.  No wonder Alma said "For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God."  (Alma 34:32)
Or, As Jacob wrote: "...I have written according to the best of my knowledge, by saying that the time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream..." (Jacob 7:26)
So much to learn and do in so little time.  

Yesterday was such a great day.  We watched the first session of the Mission Leadership Seminar for new mission presidents and their companion.  It is always a spiritual feast to listen to our prophet and other general authorities teaching the Lord's mission leaders who will work in different areas of His vineyard.

I thought about this when I studied the chapters 17-22 of the book of Alma.
Alma 17:18  " Now Ammon being the chief among them, or rather he did administer unto them, and he departed from them, after having blessed them according to their several stations, having imparted the word of God unto them, or administered unto them before his departure; and thus they took their several journeys throughout the land."

Listening to their teachings even after being in the field for two years, we can benefit from these inspired instructions.  

I also made two aprons yesterday from some fabric that I found in a closet and also one apron for grand-papa with some place mats that were a little stained.  
That first one is my favorite

 not bad, even if I do say so myself.

A few weeks ago, someone came to apply inside and out of the mission home a product to keep the bugs away.  The ones that I really want away from us are the centipedes.  I do not mind the others even if they do make me jump.

Friday morning I saw this little cockroach on the wall.  It looks like it wants to join the Savior for His sermon on the mount.

Then I saw it again Saturday afternoon.

I guess the product works. 😝

Today was the first Sunday to meet again with the saints at Church.  It is not quite like it is back home with the many precautions taken.

     Sitting next to grand-papa is the Stake President.  The brother with the beard was so happy to be in Church again with the ward, that he was going around shaking hands and giving hugs.  I was able to give a lot of fist bump to many who were extending their hand without offending.  But this good brother was not taking a fist bump.  He grabbed my hand and got his face close to mine, like what he did with the Stake President, after he did the same thing to grand-papa.  😏

I sure hope and pray the coronavirus will not come here.  I spoke with the sister you see walking toward the podium on the picture above.  Her mom is a nurse and she went to the facilities where the people are quarantined.  She told me a few things that did not surprise me and makes me hope COVID-19 will never come here. 😷

I leave you with this comforting thought I heard from President Eyring yesterday:

You are never alone in the Lord's service"

Yu save toktok Bislama naoia.  
Yu save talem:
"Mifala lavem yufala tumas"


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