
Showing posts from July, 2020

2020 Semaine 30 (20-26 juillet)

Week 30 in a nutshell: *Some missionaries were transferred with another companion and/or in another area.  We usually hold transfers every six weeks when missionaries are returning home and new ones are coming.  With the situation created by COVID-19 no one is leaving and only a few are coming from Vanuatu to serve in Vanuatu as their assignment, or temporarily until they can go to their assigned country. * We went to the domestic airport to bring Nathalie Jimmy who had just started her on-line training but         was struggling with some health issues.  She was returning home to Tanna, Vanuatu. * That same day we picked up at the airport 4 missionaries (3 from Tanna and one from Santo) starting their mission and their on-line training the next day.  They were set a part and received some instructions from our beloved Mission President 😊 We then helped them get comfortable with their laptop and how to access the zoom meeting for their 3 week MTC on-line training. * Grand-papa had int

2020 Semaine 29 (13-19 juillet)

What happened during week 29: Big preparation in Vanuatu for the Celebrations of the 40th anniversary of their independence. What was once broken was fixed Interviews with the Mission President and district councils where the Spirit was felt and   brought a desire to be obedient.   We attended the district council of the Blacksands district We were blessed by technology as we visited with family members.  Little Emma could not leave her daddy's ear alone.  It was so much fun to pull on it. (for her of course, not daddy) He bore it patiently for awhile until mom removed her to play with something else. 😁 Calvin had so much to tell us about toys and the accident of his brother stepping on a toy and breaking it in the process. And Calvin expressed his complete confidence that his dad will fix it.  No pressure Stephen but he is counting on you.  We share his confidence. As I am writing what has happened this week, I see a correlation in Alma 34 that I studied this week. Preparation fo