2020 Semaine 30 (20-26 juillet)

Week 30 in a nutshell:

*Some missionaries were transferred with another companion and/or in another area.  We usually hold transfers every six weeks when missionaries are returning home and new ones are coming.  With the situation created by COVID-19 no one is leaving and only a few are coming from Vanuatu to serve in Vanuatu as their assignment, or temporarily until they can go to their assigned country.

* We went to the domestic airport to bring Nathalie Jimmy who had just started her on-line training but         was struggling with some health issues.  She was returning home to Tanna, Vanuatu.

* That same day we picked up at the airport 4 missionaries (3 from Tanna and one from Santo) starting their mission and their on-line training the next day.  They were set a part and received some instructions from our beloved Mission President 😊 We then helped them get comfortable with their laptop and how to access the zoom meeting for their 3 week MTC on-line training.

* Grand-papa had interviews with the missionaries serving in the Solomon Islands.  We went to visit a few apartments.  Two sets of sister missionaries need to change apartments and we found one that the 4 of them can share.  The area where they work are next to each other.  It will not be ready before August because of the celebrations from July23-31.  

*The celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the independence of Vanuatu started with a parade with the children on the 23rd of July.  The next day is  the "Children's Day" holiday.  There is a sweet feeling of celebration in the air.  The people are all smiling and dressed with beautiful colors.  I tried to take as much pictures as I could but there were too many.  I missed taking the picture of a man who had his face and beard painted in the colors of their flag.😞

* This week's study of the Book of Mormon, Alma is speaking to his sons.  Wonderful counsels and of all of them, I would like to share two:

1- "And now, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in keeping his commandments; for blessed is he that endureth to the end."

2- " I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day."

This is also our wish and testimony for you.

Now the visual part of our week:

Signs at the airport:

Celebration 40 year Independence Anniversary           Internal Quarantine:  Do not spread insects and sickness from plants or animals and all invasive weeds to other islands.
For our family and quebecois friends you may notice the word "bebitte (bebet) for insects)😀

How Biological Control Agents work:
Weed grows tall ---A high number of biological control agents feed on the weed-----Weed then are small and the number of bio-control agents drops----Weed grows tall again---A high number of biological control agents feed on the weed---Weed then are small and the number of bio-control agents drops.

 A little Bislama lesson for you with some educational material.😏

Social distancing at the airport                        Vanuatu style

There was a lot of traffic and then I saw why

New Zealand High Commission joins all the people    Australia is wishing Vanuatu a happy 40 year
of Vanuatu in celebrating their 40 year anniversary     Independence Anniversary and celebrate the
of Independence                                                            friendship of our two countries.  40 years together
                                                                                       Australia Vanuatu together we stand

Happy 40 Anniversary 1980-2020 to us

Part of our routine:

Very good service at "Au Bon Marche".  Look at the technic to empty the blue fruit and vegetable bags in our bag. 😍

These are the vehicles that the senior missionaries used.  Now that they are all back home, we make sure to keep them running and in good condition.

Interesting car for sale in the front yard of a printer's shop.  Only in Vanuatu.😆

After our day's work, some roads to the mission home:

A special week also for 2 grand daughters. 

Halle starting a job at Chick-Fil-A.  We love you.😘😘

Singing Happy Birthday to our Coralie 😘😘

The end of another great week in Paradise.  Lukum yu nekis taem.  See you later.

Mifala lavem yufala tumas



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