
Showing posts from November, 2020

2020 Semaine 48 (23-28 novembre)

It was a great week filled with gratitude thanks to the invitation of  President Nelson.  The flowers above are on what is left of the avocado tree that was cut down in early 2019 because it was all dried up.  It is fitting that the flowers are yellow.  It brings sunshine in my soul to know one day this tree will again be full grown and give of its fruits. We are still enjoying the mangoes. From now on, the taste of delicious mangoes will always remind us of our stay in Vanuatu.   It rained very hard at the beginning of the week.  The following pictures are a view from the plane taxiing to the terminal as grand-papa was returning home from Santo.  The other one is my view as I was returning home from the mission office on that same day. This week, we received a gift from the Area Presidency that was given to all the Mission Presidents and wives a month ago during the Mission Leadership Seminar.  I started reading it and it is bringing so much joy in my heart.  Repentance is such a wond

2020 Semaine 47 (16-22 novembre)

This week we received 15 copies of this picture for the missionaries' apartments.  I found a framed one hidden in the supply room at the mission office and I took it for the mission home.  I love this picture.  It was a quiet week here but quite the opposite at Mylene's household.  We are so thankful for Heavenly Father's watchful care of our family. Grand-papa was busy with the interviews (26 missionaries).  I took that opportunity to visit with the missionaries and help them if needed.  We are preparing to become a technology mission and there is some training to receive for all of us.  We will also concentrate our next zone conference on this preparation.  I have enjoyed what I have been learning and it has helped me understand the importance of acquiring good digital habits.  Technology can be such a wonderful tool.  We still have to learn to be in control.  It is easy to waste so much time by using it with no purpose.  It is so easy to just scroll for hours and not acc

2020 Semaine 46 (9-15 novembre)

I am starting with the end in mind this week. We had a stake conference this weekend.  We were taught on the importance of preparing for the temple and also for our Savior's Second Coming by working on being clean and pure and being faithful to our covenants.  We felt a wonderful Spirit.  The Lord loves each one of us and wants all to come unto Him.  It is our decision.   We had a 10 minute talk each scheduled.  So many were speaking that my talk became and 3 minute testimony in Bislama.  And grand-papa surprised everyone with part of his remarks and testimony in Bislama.  I was so proud of him.  😊 And as always his words were spot on and edifying.   We are so thankful for the help of the Spirit. We started the week with the first case of COVID-19 in Vanuatu.   I will quote some of what was reported in the article. "The whole island of Efate has been placed in a temporary lockdown as of 11 November.  The inter-island travel restrictions in and out of Port Vila... all internat