2020 Semaine 46 (9-15 novembre)

I am starting with the end in mind this week.

We had a stake conference this weekend.  We were taught on the importance of preparing for the temple and also for our Savior's Second Coming by working on being clean and pure and being faithful to our covenants.  We felt a wonderful Spirit.  The Lord loves each one of us and wants all to come unto Him. 
It is our decision.


We had a 10 minute talk each scheduled.  So many were speaking that my talk became and 3 minute testimony in Bislama.  And grand-papa surprised everyone with part of his remarks and testimony in Bislama.  I was so proud of him.  😊 And as always his words were spot on and edifying.   We are so thankful for the help of the Spirit.

We started the week with the first case of COVID-19 in Vanuatu.  

I will quote some of what was reported in the article.
"The whole island of Efate has been placed in a temporary lockdown as of 11 November.  The inter-island travel restrictions in and out of Port Vila... all international flights and domestic passenger flights in and out of Port Vila are cancelled until further notice.
...there are no restrictions on schools, workplaces, public or private gatherings.  Business houses are urged to continue to maintain hand washing stations, authorities concerned are to prepare response plans and public at large are required to comply with hygiene and prevention measures.
Surveillance and tracing of all close contacts commenced on Tuesday, November 10, when the case was detected.  In the wake of Vanuatu's first case of coronavirus being confirmed, PM Lougman urged the public not to panic and stay calm because the government has the situation under control.
He confirmed that the 23-year-old male is the country's first confirmed case of coronavirus.  The Ni-Vanuatu traveled from the USA to Port Vila, via Sydney and Auckland on November 4.  He tested positive for coronavirus in quarantine.  PM Loughman said of the 153 repatriates, only one tested positive and has been isolated with all strict protocols applied.  He reiterated the appeal for people not to panic."

On Wednesday, the Stake President called to let us know about the situation and that the young man was a missionary returning from his mission in Guam.
We spoke with Doctor Matt Cornish yesterday at Church.  He is part of the COVID-19 Taskforce.  He did a lot of the training and he is a member of the Church who arrived with his family in Vanuatu in July 2019.  Matt told us that every thing went really well.  All the training paid off.  The young missionary is asymptomatic because without going into the details he gave us, the results show small particles of a leftover virus.  The young missionary was transferred to the hospital after the results and is still in strict quarantine and he is feeling fine.  

The article concludes with the following words:

"The PM said: "As citizens of a Christian nation, we should not be afraid therefore, pray and ask God for protection in this time.  I want to end my statement with a verse from Isaiah 41:10 
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Opposition Leader Ralph Regenvanu thanked the Prime Minister for the strict measures and protocols that have applied so far by the Vanuatu authorities to isolate and contain the case.

MPs from both sides of the house commended the Prime minister for his leadership and responsible authorities for taking the country forward with confidence as the first case of the COVID-19 is reported and is being contained.

The Director of Public Health said this first case of coronavirus identified in quarantine has demonstrated the strength of the country's quarantine process as a measure to prevent importation to the community.
Everyone is encouraged to pray always for God's protection over Vanuatu."

We heard these proceedings on the radio.  And we thought yet again how very different things are in this part of the world.

On Wednesday we went to the supermarket to get some things and we noticed for the first time since we have been here restrictions on how much to buy (masks and hand sanitizer in this case).

Driving home I saw a little rainbow reminding me everything will be fine.  Can you see it?

We had some good talks with Mylene, Arianne (who filled us in on all of Jacob's latest adventures) and Etienne for his birthday.

Sunday we woke up and there was an amazing show for us to see on Marco Polo.  Jacob singing and Mason playing the drums.  We absolutely loved it and I am still watching it.  Great job guys!

It takes time and precision to get a 

masterpiece (or a picture of a glorious site as good as it can get with a phone)

Have a great week everyone!
Mifala lavem yufala tumas!


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