2021 Month 2 (1-7 February)

If I look right, the sky is blue and there are no clouds

If I look in front, there are many clouds.

Same blue sky.  One view is more menacing and the other peaceful.  It is tempting just to look right and ignore the dark clouds approaching.  It is important though to look forward and see what is coming to prepare.  It confirmed what I had been studying this week in D&C 11

"A great and marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men" verse 1

"I speak unto all who have good desires" verse 27

"if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation." verse 8

"put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit." verse 12

"I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;" verse 13

"cleave unto me with all your heart, that you may assist in bringing to light those things" verse 19

"now hold your peace; study my word" verse 22

"as many as receive me, to them will I give power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on my name." verse 30

   After finding the following definition for "hold your peace", I know it will now be a friendly reminder that we will use to help each other.

Hold your peace:  no more worrying, no more trying to figure everything out.  Instead trust in God to make a way for you.  Follow the way He gives us in His words.


Lots of rain again brought by cyclone Lucas.  This time around rain did a lot of damage. 

The people in Tanna for example, have lost their crops for sustenance and income.


The damage at the mission home was less than minimal.  A pool filled to the brim. 

A small leak in the ceiling

And a lot of power outages that raised the temperature and humidity inside.  When grand-papa saw what I was doing to keep cool, he laughed and took this picture.
Around my neck is what I keep in the freezer.  Then when I need a good cool down fast, I wear it around my neck.  I can also be pretty fast with that fan. 😄
The situation is partly resolve.  At least we know what to do when the power goes off.  The generator is also not working.  It will get fixed eventually... Hopefully before the next Mission President and his wife arrive.

We saw the hand of the Lord this week as we met with the commissioner of Labor, a very nice lady.  It looks like a work permit and visa can be obtained for both of them after we meet with certain conditions which are being looked at.  We knocked and Heavenly Father opened.  We understand it is a process and we will hold our peace. 😉

A new missionary arrived from the island of Santo, Vanuatu.  He is assigned to our mission in New Caledonia.  Since the borders are still closed, he will serve in Vanuatu until he can go to New Caledonia.  We are happy to welcome him.  Out of 30 missionaries, 11 are from Vanuatu.

I held a gathering of the sister missionaries at the mission home.  We discussed Sister Michelle D. Craig's talk " Eyes to See" from last General Conference.  We toasted to our uniqueness with a fruit salad as sweet as they each are.

It looks like a new thing being used for a fence.  It is the second place I see like this.  I like it.

Still hoping to receive our calendar with pictures of the family.  The message below is as far as we know.  I am hoping to hear more this week.

We went to the  lab at the hospital this week to bring another 10 COVID-19 test cartridges.  We gave them a box with 25 cartridges a few weeks ago.

We saw the following sign at the lab reception. 

And so we leave you with our smiles.

Ready Jaden...



  1. Always wonderful to hear how you are doing and see happy smiling faces of everyone

  2. Allo Ben et Diane. Il y a possibilité de tsunami pour Vanuatu, Nouvelle-Calédonie et Fidji. Soyez prudents !

  3. Le tsunami est très possible dû à un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 ou 7,9 produit dans l'océan Pacifique à proximité de chez vous.


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