2021 Month 3 (1-7 March)

First week of March in the Pacific saw 8.1 earthquake, tsunami and cyclone Niran. 

We did not feel the earthquake. We did have an advisory for the tsunami and the sea was rough.  The cyclone brought a lot of rain and wind.  It went over New Caledonia.   All and all we are thankful we were all safe. 

Cyclone Niran


Even the heavy rain did not stop them from cutting the grass and cleaning up after.

The rain came inside and the wind made us discover some yummy passion fruits on the ground.

In this humid climate, the bugs are big

And the vegetation grows fast

Speaking of growing, the lesson I want to share this week was inspired by you, our talented grandchildren, who are also growing fast.

"As we progress, we become more complete, finished, and fully developed.  It is through this lens that lives should be lived, communications considered, and relationships fostered.  Truly, there is no other way to heal the wounds of broken relationships or of a fractured society than for each of us to more fully emulate the Prince of Peace.  In order to see real progress, you will need to put in sustained effort.  True Christianity, in which we strive to become like Christ, has always required our best effort.  Our entire mortal experience is about progression, trying, failing and succeeding.  You are good enough, you are loved, but that does not mean that you are yet complete.  There is work to be done in this life and the next.  Only with His divine help can we all progress toward becoming like Him."  
Elder Scott D. Whiting "Becoming like Him" October 2020

I was uplifted by studying this talk this week.  I am uplifted by watching you, grandchildren, grow and progress.



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