2021 Month 3:3 (14-21 March)


This week I have declared war to the rats and bedbugs in the missionaries' apartments!!!  With the help of the office Elders and the Ezzy Kill Company.  My goal is that when we leave, the housing for our missionaries will be critter free.

On Monday, it was one of our sisters' birthday.  That birthday cake was so good, they had some cake inside and out!


Tuesday was the follow up meeting with Elder and Sister Nattress.  We were so edified by the experiences the missionaries shared as they responded to the invitations to share their testimony of Jesus Christ and their favorite scriptures with those they met after the mission conference (12 March) until the follow up meeting (16 March).  What was so wonderful is that many were comforted by what the missionaries shared.  Most did not want to hear more right now, but all were blessed.  
"Ye are the light of the world" and " Let your light so shine before men" the Lord said.(Matt. 5:14,16)

It brings much joy to do so.

We met with Elder Nattress after the follow up meeting to discuss the transition when we leave.  He told us that the situation from last year where new mission presidents could not arrive at the appointed time in their mission field will hopefully not be repeated this year.  And we could expect to return home at the beginning of July 2021.  He also asked us to do all we could to help in obtaining the documents for the Messick's timely arrival in Vanuatu.  He asked grand-papa to also think about who could be the interim mission president until the arrival of the succeeding mission president.  We spoke to the Messicks on Wednesday and they told us they could leave Utah on 28 June 2021.

We attended the branch conference today in Erakor.  When I saw the signs "Merry Christmas" decorating the podium, I thought we should keep rejoicing that Christ was born and soon we will celebrate Easter, Christ's sacrifice and resurrection.  Of course we celebrate these every Sacrament meeting.

After the branch conference, we met with the Stake President.  He works in the Department of Foreign Affairs and is part of the COVID-19 committee in Vanuatu.  (we learned that part today).  We talked about the possibility for the Messicks to come from the USA to  Fiji and quarantine there for 14 days then come to Vanuatu and complete a quarantine here for 14 days also.  He said that it would be acceptable considering the protocols in place now of a 28 days quarantine before arriving to Vanuatu and another quarantine of 14 days here.  With all this information we gathered this week, the earliest possibility for the Messicks to arrive, if all goes smoothly, would be around the beginning or middle of August.
We also discussed a few possibilities of an interim mission president and grand-papa just reported all the information to Elder Nattress.  
We saw that on 15 March 2018, we were sending our itinerary to the mission president we were succeeding and we were leaving the 28 June 2018 through Fiji.  Of course, without COVID-19, we arrived 30 June 2018 and they returned to Australia 2 July 2018.
Maybe by the end of this month we will have some definite dates for our departure 😊😊

Another highlight of the week was to be able to speak to our birthday boy Wesley who turned 7.  How very grateful we are for technology and the blessing of not only speaking but also seeing our loved ones.  We asked him if he remembered when we left and he was 4.  He said he did not but he was happy we are coming back this summer.

In closing, I want to confirm the testimony of Elder Kelly R. Johnson I read this week from his talk "Enduring Power" in General Conference of October 2020:
"I have learned that having the word of God deep in my soul, coupled with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement, allows me to draw upon the power of God to overcome the adversary and anything he may throw at me."  

We want to enjoy every single day that is left before our return.  I was asked today if I am happy to return home soon.  From the bottom of my heart I had to answer Yes and No.  I am looking forward to be reunited to my family but I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to the sweet people here.  When will we see them again?  I hope, at least, we will all see each other again when we go back to our Heavenly Father's home.



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