2021 Month 3:4 (22-28 March)

Most important event this week.  Our sweet Audrée's birthday. We ended this week by chatting with her.  We are so proud of all our children and grandchildren.   We love them "gros comme le ciel" and we miss them so much. 

I woke up this morning with a message from our Coralie who opened the door to memory lane for me.
She sent me this letter I send her at least 10 years ago for a school project about how was school for her grand-maman when I was in second grade.

After reading this letter again, I started remembering some stories to help us learn how to read.  I found online the book and some stories back then.  It was so fun to reminisce.

Do you remember the March 13 entry?

Tender mercy #8
Saturday morning we woke up to a miraculous news. 

Go back and read it if you do not remember.  Here is Elder Kema being reunited with his long lost, almost destroyed suitcase.

This picture will always remind me that the Lord is mindful of the details in our life.

This week we received delicious pamplemousses (grapefruits).
Look at the size of this fruit.  There is enough for two servings for each of us in that big one.  It is the season right now and they are soooooo good. 

The foliage in Vanuatu is so beautiful

The yellow flowers grow in an avocado tree that had to chopped at the end of 2018.  I wonder if the succeeding mission president and wife will be able to enjoy the fruit before they return home.

This week we had a sick missionary and him and his companion spent the morning at the hospital.  An IV bag brought him back on his feet.

Grand-papa had an opportunity to have a scripture study with the companion.  They were reviewing the study of D&C 29 they had done this week.

Kade, Eli and Skylar went playing in the puddles (water and mud) and the boots remained outside and their clothes were scrubbed clean by their wonderful mom.

This little adventure reminded me of a few verses in D&C29

"my blood shall not cleanse them if they hear me not." verse 17
"for where I am they cannot come, for they have no power." verse 29
"For by the power of my Spirit created I them" verse 31
" I gave unto him that he should be an agent unto himself; and I gave unto him commandment...for my commandments are spiritual" verse 35
"I, the Lord God, should send forth angels to declare unto them repentance and redemption, through faith on the name of mine Only Begotten Son." verse 42
"and thus did I, the Lord God, appoint unto man the days of his probation--that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe." verse 43

 The Lord has the power to cleanse us if we hear Him because of the agency He gave us.  He showed us the way.  When we sin we have no power (power of the Holy Ghost who sanctifies us) to return to Him unless we repent or change.  The day of our probation is now to receive the power to come unto Him for ever.  We need to believe in the gospel that was declared, hear Him, repent and we will be cleansed.



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