2021 Month 6:1 (31 May-6 June)

The shoes of a missionary finishing his mission.  Elder Kema from Tanna, served 17 months in Côte d'Ivoire Mission and the last six months in his home country.

It was a transfer week.  One missionary out of five was able to return home and we welcomed three missionaries, all from Vanuatu. 

Elder Lui is Elder Nanua's trainer
Sister Singo is Sister Wilson's trainer
Elder Philip is Elder Nalin's trainer

Life in Vanuatu:

Rod sefti (road safety)

When it is a dirt road, rocks will replace painted lines.           But it can be confusing.

Especially when it does not stay in a straight line.

The sticker on the back of this truck, I was following reads " HEMI KIVIM RAET"  Translated "It gives right of way"  Following it for a while, I can attest that it did, even when it had the right of way.  
It is not just a sticker, it is fully, above and beyond, respected. 😊

Waiting at the immigration offices

                                                        A very obedient grand-papa.

The outside of the mission home was given the second coat of paint this week.  Grand-papa's "office" that he likes to call the outside patio is still in disarray.  He doesn't mind.  He just needs a chair and feeling the nice ocean breeze.  We do not know for how long and so he is taking full advantage of "his outdoor office"

Grand-papa was playing around with the app many were experimenting with this week on Facebook.

It looks like Jason! 😉

This little cutie pie came in our row at church today and she kept looking at me trying to figure out the lady with the pale skin and silver hair (I guess).

I really enjoyed studying Elder Renlund's conference talk this week "Infuriating unfairness"

Here are a few gold nuggets:

"When others receive benefits because of their diligent choices, we cannot rightly conclude that we have been treated unfairly when we had the same opportunity."

"Some unfairness cannot be explained; Mortal life is inherently unfair.  Some people are born in affluence; others are not.  Some live many years; others, few. And on and on and on.  Some choose not to alleviate unfairness when they could.  Distressingly, some individuals use their God-given agency to hurt others when they never should."

"Jesus Christ both understand unfairness and has the power to provide a remedy.
If we let him, Jesus Christ will consecrate the unfairness for our gain.  He will not just console us and restore what was lost;  He will use the unfairness for our benefit."

"We can try to hold our questions about how and when for later and focus on developing faith in Jesus Christ, that He has both the power to make everything right and yearns to do so.  As we develop faith in Jesus Christ, we should also strive to become like Him."

"We then approach others with compassion and try to alleviate unfairness where we find it; we can try to make things right within our sphere of influence."

"Not throwing stones is the first step in treating others with compassion.  The second step is to try to catch stones thrown by others"

We all had our share of unfairness.  This is what this experience on earth brings.  But there is hope in Jesus Christ.  I have experienced it many times and I know it is an ongoing test.  Let us not dismiss the only One that can really help.



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