2019 Week 5 (30 Jan.-3 Feb.)

Gud aftanun famli blo mifala

Friday night we went to get a pizza for dinner, because it's Friday right?  Across from the restaurant was this lighted boat going around.  It was simple but it looked so pretty and it caught our attention.  This picture doesn't do it justice.  It got me thinking that we, like this boat, can be little and very ordinary but when our light is shining we can bring more than a smile on people's faces.  We can show the way to true happiness.  

It has been raining real hard this week.  So much so that it started raining in the mission home.  The roof was replaced last November.  We spotted two leaks a month later.  One was fixed completely but not the other one.  The one in the master bathroom was not sealed properly and we discovered another one in a bedroom.  I am thankful it was not over our bed.  So I woke up Thursday finding our bathroom floor a little wet.  I searched the whole house to see if there were other ones.  
It is now Sunday and the contractor has not been here to survey the damages and make plans to repair.  The FM manager came Saturday to see for himself.  He has been trying to get in touch with the contractor since Thursday.  I am very tempted to have Elder Anderson whom I spoke of last week to see if he can fix it.  But the roof is under warranty and they have to come and fix it.  I might ask him to come and check it out while they will do the repairs, one day, hopefully before him and his wife finish their mission.  

Below are some pictures of the water inside.  Not much but after two days the bucket I now have in the bedroom had two inches of water.  When it rains it really rains here.

 papa/grand-papa's hat was all wet and a yellowish color from the rusty rain water falling.

Some water in the wastebasket

 This water is falling from the electrical outlet in the ceiling where the air conditioning is plugged in.  We, at least, got that unplugged.  I put  a bucket under to catch the water and it was filled two inches in two days.

Rain is great and we need it and I am thankful for it. If it was not for the leaks inside and also the fact that we are trying to empty the pool so it can be repaired,  it would be perfect.

The repairs were supposed to start last week but the rain keeps the level of water just a little too high.  I hope it will be a little dryer this coming week so they can start and finish the repairs.  I was told it should take a week...If it doesn't rain 😁


All in all, it was a very productive week.  Papa/grand-papa/president interviewed missionaries from two zones in two days ( 41 + 14 missionaries)

I made some curtains to replace a towel covering a small window in the office of the mission home.

I cut my hair
 I also attended to some personal banking that I had wanted to do. It feels so good to be able to cross some things off  from the list that has been lingering in the back of my mind.

My discoveries this week:

 The Vanuatu famous Poulet fish.
I just saw it in the case at "Au Bon Marché" and I will let the experienced cook prepare it when I give it a taste one day.

Mama plant in the pot and baby plant on the ground.  No matter how often it was removed ( pulled out as a weed) it comes back.  Maybe I should leave a pot of soil right there and get myself another potted plant.

Yesterday we got some scary news.  Four of our missionaries were in an accident.  Thank goodness only the truck was damaged.  The driver has no driver's license and the other three knew about it and still let him drive. 😲 The missionary was driving too fast and at a turn the truck fell in a ditch.  

In 2015, while our predecessor had just started serving here, a missionary without a license drove a truck, went too fast and killed himself.

We hope our missionaries who had that experience got a good enough scare to hopefully understand the importance of OBEDIENCE.

Rules are there for our protection.

"Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are our brethren;  therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee."  Alma 31:35

I just hope they go back to their family before returning to our Heavenly father.

I am thankful for the many prayers uttered for the missionaries.

I think it's time for another coconut. 😏

Mifala lavem yufala tumas


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