
Showing posts from April, 2019

2019 Week 17 (22-28 April)

You know, some weeks are more challenging than others.  But thanks to some calls and pictures from the family, it brings a smile and a comfort to our hearts.  I am filled with peace when I see their faces.  I know Heavenly Father is watching over them.     I also find peace and comfort when I look at this beautiful sky.   Update on the pool:  It's getting there.  the water is still cloudy but it's blue, Yeah!  At least the bugs are enjoying it.  We will be gone this week to Sydney Australia.  I can't wait to report... May will be very busy and this past week was spent trying to figure out the transfers.  Benoit spends a lot of time and prayers on this process. I have seen again this week, that whatever problems arise Heavenly father has some counsels to give if we seek them. I read this quote in Come, Follow me this week: "I would like to make it clear that forgiveness of sins should not be confused with to

2019 Week 16 (14-21 April)

Allo evriwan,   I wanted to take a picture of this face cream I use to ask Arianne if she could order and send me some, when I noticed my reflection in the dirty mirror next to it.  I could not resist to wave at all of you. An update on the pool.  Last Sunday we took of picture of the nice green water of the pool.  Today a week later you can see the gradual process of getting the pool back to clear cool water.  Now that the summer here is over, I hope I can still use the pool when it gets cooler.  The dry season is from May to November and it is cooler then.   Wednesday we welcomed the missionaries from the New Zealand MTC who come three weeks after their group so they can study English more before coming.  I hope one day they will come to the MTC earlier, start learning English and come here with their group.  Elder Teriitaohia is from Tahiti and is assigned to work in Vanuatu.  Since his visa is not ready, he will be working in New

2019 Week 15 (7-14 April)

It was Conference Week:  General Conference and Zone Conferences I did something last weekend that I don't think I will do again (then again who knows).  I am always so excited for General Conference, that I woke up at 2:45am and 2:20 am last Sunday and Monday so I could listen to the first sessions live Saturday and Sunday.  What I did not think through is that we had to wake up at 4:00 am Tuesday morning to take a missionary couple to the airport and we woke up at 3:00 am Wednesday morning to catch a flight to New Caledonia.  I have been pretty tired this week.  I need to plan better than this.  I am not in my twenties no more. General Conference was wonderful and I have a few favorite teachings and I know I will discover some more as I read and study the talks again.  Here are a few: I could copy and paste all of Elder Renlund's talk "Abound with Blessings" but I will just mention this part: " If a desired blessing from God has not been rece