2019 Week 15 (7-14 April)

It was Conference Week:  General Conference and Zone Conferences

I did something last weekend that I don't think I will do again (then again who knows).  I am always so excited for General Conference, that I woke up at 2:45am and 2:20 am last Sunday and Monday so I could listen to the first sessions live Saturday and Sunday.  What I did not think through is that we had to wake up at 4:00 am Tuesday morning to take a missionary couple to the airport and we woke up at 3:00 am Wednesday morning to catch a flight to New Caledonia.  I have been pretty tired this week.  I need to plan better than this.  I am not in my twenties no more.

General Conference was wonderful and I have a few favorite teachings and I know I will discover some more as I read and study the talks again.  Here are a few:

I could copy and paste all of Elder Renlund's talk "Abound with Blessings" but I will just mention this part:
"If a desired blessing from God has not been received—yet—you do not need to go crazy, wondering what more you need to do. Instead, heed Joseph Smith’s counsel to “cheerfully do all things that lie in [your] power; and then stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the arm [of God] revealed.”25 Some blessings are reserved for later, even for the most valiant of God’s children."

I loved sister Sharon Eubank's talk: 
"Christ: The Light That Shines in Darkness"

I testify you are beloved. The Lord knows how hard you are trying. You are making progress. Keep going. He sees all your hidden sacrifices and counts them to your good and the good of those you love. Your work is not in vain. You are not alone. His very name, Emmanuel, means “God with us.”28 He is surely with you."

I could find something to quote from all the talks.  I encourage you to go and seek.
Elder Rasband's talk:" Build a fortress of Spirituality and Protection"

"Your testimony of Jesus Christ is your personal fortress, the security for your soul. When my great-grandfather and his fellow pioneers built the Heber fort, they put up one log at a time until the fort was “fitly framed together”28 and they were protected. So it is with testimony. One by one we gain a witness from the Holy Spirit as He speaks to our own spirit, teaching “truth in the inward parts.”29 When we live the gospel of Jesus Christ, when we draw upon the Savior’s Atonement and press forward with faith, not fear, we are fortified against the wiles of the adversary. Our testimonies connect us to the heavens, and we are blessed with “the truth of all things.”30 And, like pioneers protected by a fortress, we are safely encircled in the arms of the Savior’s love.

The closing remarks of President Nelson ( everything he shared I could copy and paste)
" The messages have instructed and edified us."

"As we speak of our temples old and new, may each of us signify by our actions that we are true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. May we renovate our lives through our faith and trust in Him. May we access the power of His Atonement by our repentance each day. And may we dedicate and rededicate our lives to serving God and His children—on both sides of the veil"

For zone conferences some sisters like to have the mamas in their area make a dress for them.  So we always have twin sisters during conference.


We are so thankful for the help we receive in feeding all of us during zone conferences.
In Efate, the senor sisters are there to make it happen.  
In New Caledonia, the members take good care of us.
My heart is full of thanks for these angels.  We appreciate their support more than we can express.

 At the conclusion of zone conference, I like to see all the missionaries taking many pictures of one another.  I especially like to take pictures of those taking the pictures

 For dessert in New Caledonia: Tahitian Po'e ( Banana and coconut milk) Hmmmm!  It does not look like much but it is Soooooo Good!

On this picture below are five of the sisters who will be returning home and serving in New Caledonia next transfer ( May 8th)  It will be so hard to say goodbye.  We love these sisters.  They have worked so hard and well.

When we came back from New Caledonia on Friday, we got a package from the Pompidous!
It was a Christmas package received a few weeks before Easter.  The letters were read and will be reread over and over again.  Merci Jared, Dylan, Coralie et Mélanie.

I tried my best to revived the smooshed Christmas decoration. C'est le bijou précieux avec le hibou qui m'apportent de la joie chaque fois que je les regarde (ça fait crémeux en dedans).  Merci Coralie!

This was the view from our room in New Caledonia.  



  1. Hey this is kade right now anyway I love you and I love your blogs. Keep calm and have a coconut (my new motto) lol😂😅bye love you.


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