2019 Week 17 (22-28 April)

You know, some weeks are more challenging than others.  But thanks to some calls and pictures from the family, it brings a smile and a comfort to our hearts.  I am filled with peace when I see their faces.  I know Heavenly Father is watching over them.  


I also find peace and comfort when I look at this beautiful sky.  

Update on the pool:  It's getting there.  the water is still cloudy but it's blue, Yeah!  At least the bugs are enjoying it.

 We will be gone this week to Sydney Australia.  I can't wait to report...
May will be very busy and this past week was spent trying to figure out the transfers.  Benoit spends a lot of time and prayers on this process.

I have seen again this week, that whatever problems arise Heavenly father has some counsels to give if we seek them.

I read this quote in Come, Follow me this week:
"I would like to make it clear that forgiveness of sins should not be confused with tolerating evil....
Although we must forgive a neighbor who injures us, we should still work constructively to prevent that injury from being repeated." Elder David E. Sorensen

And this quote from General Conference: Hearing His Voice:
"We will find our Father's voice in many places.  We will find it when we pray, study the scriptures, attend church, engage in faithful discussions, or go to the temple....
And when we hear it, we need to follow the direction that is given....
And President Thomas S. Monson once taught: "We watch.  We wait.  We listen for that still, small voice  When it speaks, wise men and women obey."

We seek to be wise.  We pray to be good instruments in Heavenly father's hands. We feel weak and we also feel strong when the Spirit is with us.  We love to work for the Lord.  It was a challenging week and the Lord showed us again and again that He is always near.

Lavem yufala tumas.


  1. Miss you and love you Grand maman!! From Jacob, Mason and Wesley and Calvin.


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