2019 Week 25 (17-23 June)


↑ Missionaries leaving to go back home  ( Elder Tetuaiterai (Tahiti), Sista Lautami (Tonga), Soeur Hauata (Tahiti), Soeur Simmons (Las Vegas)

    ↓ Missionaries arriving to start their mission ( Elder Parau, Elder Lacour  (Tahiti), Sista Park (South Korea), Sista Sutton (USA), Soeur Tysoe (Australia), Soeur Edwards (USA)

I think it is the first time we have a missionary from South Korea to come and serve in Vanuatu.👍

While our new missionaries were busy filling paperwork and getting part of the orientation at the mission office...

Someone ran into my parked car and did not even stop to survey the damage.  How do I know?  When we got outside in the parking lot to assess the damage, a man came to us and said that the Peace Corp who shares an office in the same building we are in, they have a camera overlooking the parking lot and we can go an see the footage.  The Elders working in the office went to see it and said they know who it is and saw that he hit my car and never stopped.  He has a broken front light and the Elders gave his plate number to the police and made a report.  I do not know what will happen.
Another little annoying pebble in our shoe and this too shall pass.😏

 If it brings him to the knowledge of the gospel and the Savior, it is all worth it.😀

On another note, I tried to make bread from a "just add water" mix.  It wasn't bad.  The crust was very crusty and so I made some good french toasts with it.

Look at this precious little girl.  I was surrounded by cute babies today in Relief Society and I have to admit it was hard to pay attention to the lesson.  Not only because of the cuteness around me but also the melodious baby sounds also.

A year ago already, we were set apart as missionary and Mission President.  
How do we feel with a year under our belt?
Well, here goes our " we are new" excuse...😅
Seriously though, we are wondering what else is going to happen.  We do not feel like we will not be surprised anymore, but we honestly are loving it.  I know the Lord will show us what He expects of us for Phase Two.  We did our best for Phase One and we just need to keep working with the Lord and all will work out for the best.

I read this great article in LDS Living by Dennis Gaunt this morning.  I could share the whole thing it was so good but I will only mention a few things:
" Think for a moment about people you know that you consider dependable, who say what they mean, and do what they say.  I find that such people are among my favorites to be around, and it's easy to be friends with them because I know I can trust them.  My mother used to say, " it's better to be trusted than to be loved."  and it took me years before I really understood what she meant.  I have come to understand that it comes down to the difference between words and actions.  Anyone can say they love someone else, but it is in our actions that we prove whether or not we really and truly do love them.  When someone demonstrates through their actions that they mean it when they say " I love you", then we begin to trust them.  We know they're being honest and true."

Be honest and true.  Once a trust has been broken it is very hard to restore it.  It takes a lot of actions to prove the sincerity of our words.  What a great gift then is repentance.  A few more words from that article:

" I recognize that when I am disobedient, I stop the flow of blessings He has for me, and that it is only my sincere repentance and change which will reopen those windows of heaven.  Heavenly Father and Jesus don't want us to repent because it is some sort of punishment, but because it is just the opposite:  an opportunity to change and improve.  Repentance is about restoring joy and rebuilding hope, not wallowing in shame and sorrow.  As Elder D. Todd Christofferson said, "Repentance is a divine gift, and there should be a smile on our faces when we speak of it.  It points us to freedom, confidence, and peace."  
It's a daily chance for us to show Heavenly Father and Jesus how much we want to be like Them"

Let us keep trying to be like Jesus as the Primary song says.  We love you so much .  You are always in our prayers.  Talk to you soon.


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