2019 Week 29 (15-21 juillet)

Dusk, a favorite time of day and it looked so peaceful and beautiful.

I like to listen to Radio Vanuatu to learn Bislama.  It was my first time seeing the Radio Vanuatu truck.  Voes blong yumi: Our voice.  I had to take a picture 😀

We are so grateful for the senior couples who come to serve in the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission.  This week Sister Carlson and Elder and Sister Ormsby arrived.  Sister Carlson  is working in the Mission Office.  Elder and Sister Ormsby are assigned to Self-Reliance/Humanitarian.

Elder and Sister Sitake serve  in Solomon Islands.  Sister Sitake worked really hard to organize the first Youth Conference in Honiara, Solomon Islands

There was an article in www.mormonnewsroom.org.nz

Here are a few comments in that article.
Focus on Faith, fun and friendship

Youth from all five branches of the Solomon Islands District of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered in July for the Church's first ever youth conference in the country.  
Among the 130 youth were 19 friends from other faiths.  The teens gathered for three days of learning, community service, fellowship, and good food.

Sister Sitake listed a list of miracles that occurred to make this conference a reality.  First,  two weeks before the event she found out that the District no longer had the money to support the event even though she had submitted the budget last November and it had been accepted.  With fasting and prayers and revelations, they found ways to make it happen.  Members donated food (great sacrifices were made), the activities were adjusted to cut some expenses.  Even the weather was changed. Rain was in the forecast all week. They even did the registration in a down pour.  As soon as they started orientation, the sun came out.  It started raining again three days later at the close of the Youth Conference after the fireside.The testimony meeting was held inside because of rain and it turned out a lot better that way. Lots of prayers from a lot of members went up to heaven.  Heavenly Father was smiling on this conference to happen and they all saw the hand of the Lord, especially Sister Sitake who was amazed at all the road blocks during conference that were overcome.  We saw a video that was put together of the youth conference and it was AMAZING!  Heavenly father loves His children and really helps them accomplish His work.

Above Elder and Sister Goodin are happy working in Solomon Islands.  Their assignment is humanitarian and they have been sharing the miracles they have seen so far also.

The Solomon Islands Zone.  We love them and we want to do everything we can to help them.

When we left for the Solomon Islands Wednesday morning, my phone overheated and went caput.
I could not use my phone the whole time we were there.  I have to put the sim card in my personal phone until the mission phone for me is sent, repaired and returned.  In island time, I might be lucky to get it back for Christmas.

While we were in the Solomon Islands, after the interviews, grand-papa showed me a message we got from our friends the Coallier.  I saw as I was reading that they were called to serve in the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission in New Caledonia.  I screamed my joy and felt like jumping continually up and down the rest of the day.  Actually, I startled the missionaries when I screamed YES, YES, YES.
Grand-papa told them, "Sister Duquette just read one good news"😁

All and all, another great week in the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission!

Mifala lavem yufala tumas.


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