
Showing posts from October, 2019

2019 Week 43 (21-27 October)

Transfer Week done!!!! We did it. It had to be the busiest one yet. It started with flights being cancelled in Tanna.  We were expecting most of the missionaries leaving to return home, first flying to Port Vila, Sunday night.  They eventually all got to Port Vila Monday afternoon.  The mission president (grand-papa) has an interview with all the missionaries returning home and all the new missionaries arriving in the mission.  So he spent Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and also Thursday ( the last two new missionaries) in interviews. We had a great testimony meeting with the missionaries leaving followed by a nice dinner at the mission home Tuesday.                                                            They left Wednesday, 11 early in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.                                                              The new missionaries arrived at three different times.  Of course, we go to the airport to greet them.

2019 Week 42 (14-20 Octobrer)

The highlight of this week was our first ever Seminar for the senior missionaries of our mission.  The two couples serving in Solomon Islands and the couple serving in New Caledonia flew in Port Vila Monday and we spent a great day Tuesday discussing, sharing and feeling the Spirit.  We had a very nice lunch provided by the senior missionaries of Efate and concluded our day with another nice meal and a fire show.  We all felt filled spiritually and physically.  The Allen's, serving on Santo, were not able to make it.  They were hosting two daughters who came to visit them.  I am sure they had a wonderful time also but we missed having them with us too. Vegetable and Potato Rosti Penne Carbonara ( Big Bowl) Good food! It has been a week of study.  I enjoyed studying the talks from the first session on Saturday of General Conference.  I wrote a few questions and thoughts to ponder in light of the teachings received.  Here are some I would like t

2019 Week 41 (7-13 octobre)

We pray our children will wear their armor of God to protect them from the fiery darts of the adversary.  The program that was announced for the youth will help them have their own spiritual experiences and they will know for themselves that the Lord is always watching over them.  He is our Savior.  He will be coming back.  He wants us to live with Him forever with our loved ones.  His love for us is infinite and real.  We all need to come to Him to find out for ourselves.    I also know that our ancestors are watching over us and the Lord says:" Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up" D&C 84:88 It is all true.  I know it is. We love spending time with our wonderful missionaries in New Caledonia.  They support their mission president. 😍  The picture taking session is at least an hour long after zone conference. Everyone wants to immortalize our great time together. Happy birt

2019 Week 40 (30 sep-6 oct)

Elders Palei and Fonokalafi                                                                                               Elder Gaulden                                                                        Solomon Zone This week we welcomed two missionaries who were visa waiting in Tonga.  We had orientation with them and they flew out to Solomon Islands with us.  We also said goodbye to one missionary who served for a long time in the office.  He started his mission in the office, then we arrived in the mission field and he stayed a little longer to help us.  He served in Malekula for 6 months before he left.  We are excited for him and his plans for the future.  The missionaries in the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission now have access to the My Plan program on their missionary portal 10 weeks before they return home.  We also have a meeting with the missionaries departing at their last zone conference with My Plan.  It is really a great tool to help the missio