
Showing posts from February, 2020

2020 Semaine 9 (24 février-1er mars)

Another great month has passed!  It is going quite fast and it will all look like a blur pretty soon if we are not careful to savor the here and now.  One of my resolution this year is to write everyday in  my journal.  So far so good.  It really helps me savor every day and I feel so grateful seeing the hand of the Lord everyday. This week was "Transfer Week "                                                                      The Leavers                                                      Elder Pulotu (Originally from Hawaii) Sister Ucunibaravi ( Fiji)                                                           Sister Talataina (Samoa) We are at the airport a lot, either for travelling or welcoming new missionaries, and we have seen a lot of improvements to our little airport.  The latest are these signs we saw when picking up the new missionaries this week.  It looks nice. Welcome to Sister Melota Tapusoa from Samoa.  This is her last name. Si

2020 Semaine 8 (17-23 fevrier)

It is always nice to rest a little bit the week before transfers, especially after all the traveling done the previous week, just catching up at the mission home.  We are preparing for the transfers with one missionary returning home and three missionaries arriving to start their mission.   Below is THE BOARD  with all the ins and outs that will happen next week.   I noticed as I was taking a picture of THE BOARD, this list of the Public Holidays in Vanuatu.  So I thought I could share that also, just for fun 😏 This week, I was busy tying loose ends.  I was also in a mood of organizing and cleaning so I spent a good portion of the day Thursday in a drawer that was used by the mission nurse.  She finished her mission in November 2018.  I was looking for a catalogue to order in bulk to replenish the first-aid kits in the missionaries' apartments.  I found what I was looking for and much more, but that went in the waste basket.  I also started organizing t

2020 Semaine 7 (10-16 février)

This week could not start any better with Etienne and his family’s visit on Messenger.  It was actually the highlight of the day and I am sorry grand-papa was not with me to enjoy it.  Still, it was a boost for both of us.  Challenges kept piling up and it was a reminder that there is more to this than all the balls that get thrown at us.  I read also such a comforting scripture in D&C 38:7-8 “But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you.  I am in your midst and ye cannot see me;  but the day soon cometh that ye shall see me, and know that I am; for the veil of darkness shall soon be rent...” The 4 district presidents came to the mission home on Tuesday for some training.  A tropical cyclone Category 2, was moving towards New Caledonia but we could still feel it’s effects since the previous week with heavy rain and gust of winds.  One of the district president was not able to fly on Monday because all flights from Malekula were cancelled till Fri