2020 Semaine 12 (16-22 mars)

The highlight of our week was talking with Wesley for his birthday with a bonus hello from Jacob, Mason, Calvin and Arianne.  He is now 6 years old.  He is such a sweet boy and we were very happy he talked to us for almost 30 minutes!!!  We were thrilled.  We usually get a quick hello then a quick goodbye followed by a  I love you because he is busy playing . We could have talked a lot longer but we had to leave for a meeting. 

A very close second was a chat with Halle, Bella, Jaden, Audrée and Jason.  Short but very sweet.  These conversations, Messenger, Facebook and pictures are such a support in these crazy times.  

Like these sweet faces to look at every time we feel like screaming, gets us back in our zen zone and making us smile.

                                                                          This week was a blast! 

We came back Monday from Solomon Islands.  Very glad the flights have not been cancelled then.
We came back to celebrations for the elections on Thursday.

This is the road that takes us to the mission home.  This father and son were having their dinner it looked like in the back of the truck..  We were arriving from the airport

Tuesday we welcomed a new missionary from the Philippines who was supposed to arrive on transfer week April 6th. We did part of the orientation on Wednesday thinking that he could receive the rest with his group coming in April.  But after a few announcements this week, it looks like we will not have any new missionaries arriving.

New Caledonia has now 5 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus COVID-19.  They are following the measures announced by the French President, Emmanuel Macron.  42 missionaries over in New Caledonia have been spending the week in isolation.  Starting tomorrow at midnight the isolation has been extended for another two weeks with stricter measures.  Our wonderful senior missionaries (4) have been helping them call home, register for the STEP ( Smart Traveler Enrollment Program).  We received notice yesterday that all the  US missionaries are asked to enroll in this so the US government can keep track of all their citizens abroad and can help them come back to the United States if needs be.
We have received this week many notifications of missionaries not coming for the next transfer in April and to try to send home the missionaries finishing at the beginning of April as soon as possible.  We barely made it for the 3 missionaries serving in New Caledonia plus one more sister who went back home on a medical leave. The parents of one Elder serving in the Solomon Islands due to finish April 6th have asked for him to come home earlier.  He lives in Australia.  Our senior sister in charge of traveling has been very busy this week being in contact with those in charge of booking these flights.  This missionary should leave this coming Tuesday...we hope.  A lot of flights were cancelled at the last minute.  Australia and New Zealand have closed their borders, and so has New Caledonia and as of Friday so has Vanuatu.  Only their residents can come in.  They have opened a small window for the visitors to leave their countries to go back home.  We tried to send home the other 5 missionaries scheduled to finish on April 6th.  One going back to Malaysia has been denied and we are still waiting for two going to USA, one to Tonga and one to New Zealand.  One last one is serving in Solomon Islands and is from Vanuatu.  He should be coming back next week.  Again, we hope.

There are no known cases in Vanuatu or the Solomon Islands but there are also no test to find out.  If someone is suspected to be infected, a specimen is sent to Australia or New Caledonia to be tested.
Okay, enough of the coronavirus, lets move on to the other excitements of the week.
The volcano in Tanna spitting ashes and gases
a 6.1 earthquake that luckily happened far from people and no one felt anything.😅

With all these events transpiring all around us, we and when I say we I mean grand-papa, has to keep the Area Presidency informed and write the parents to reassure them that we are all safe.  That is a lot of writing in a week.  Actually he is still writing right now.  We have received reports from the zone leaders in Tanna every day concerning the volcano.  It seems that it has calmed down.  Wednesday was the last update from the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department who continues to monitor closely and will give more informations when necessary.

We have received messages from anxious parents who are wondering when their missionary will go back home.  At this time, we are on standby to hear from the Missionary Department and the work on Vanuatu and Solomon is cautiously moving forward.

I have been listening to the words of our prophet to bring us hope and I have felt peace.  I have also read talks listed on the church's website to bring solace.  
Elder Wickman of the Seventy said in October 2002:
"Believing is seeing.  Faith in the Lord is the premise, not the conclusion.  We know He lives; therefore, we trust Him to bless us according to His divine will and wisdom.  This childlike confidence in the Lord is known in scripture simply as the "sacrifice" of "a broken heart and a contrite spirit: (D&C59:8)

See you next week for some more exciting Vanuatu adventures.

Mifala lavem yufala tumas!


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