
Showing posts from April, 2020

2020 Semaine 17 (20-26 avril)

How to start?  It was another full week.  Full of office work ( I felt drained at the beginning of the week)  I asked Heavenly Father to help me with more energy.  I received revelation.  It was a week full of revelations. It was that kind of a week! I have been training a new missionary to take care of the finances.  It is nice to be able to do it in French.  He is from French Polynesia.  It is easier for him and he has also studied in accounting before coming on his mission.  He is learning fast and I have to remember fast also.  Grand-papa had interviews with all the missionaries in Vanuatu this week.  More revelations came his way.   I have received revelations at 4:00 am  one morning, bringing peace, comfort and direction. I have been reflecting a lot on what I have learned so far on our mission. 1. A reminder that the sooner we turn to the Lord, the less we need to suffer and the sooner we can feel the Spirit guiding us and helping us.

2020 Semaine 16 (13-19 avril)

  Sister Park on her way to South Korea.  She made the cover for her guitare.  It is hand stitched and it was her first experience sewing.  I am very impressed and I saw it up close.  That is one among her many talents.  We will miss her.                                                              SAYING GOODBYE COLLECTING PHONES, CAR AND HOUSE KEYS                                Senior sisters worked hard to make masks for all our missionaries. That was part of our week... We received very nice letters from parents reuniting with their missionary.  The Senior missionaries sent us these pictures with loving words of encouragment.                                                          This one made us laugh!    There are no words to express how much we miss all of them!  I am very thankful to my Heavenly Father who poured His Spirit abundantly on us this week to help us through and continue to

2020 Semaine 15 (6 -16 avril)

We started the week with cyclone Harold that I was tracking. We got some high winds and rain.  In our part of the island of Efate it was more like a tropical low. The islands of Santo and Malekula saw a lot of devastation.  In Santo 70% of habitations were destroyed.  Tuesday evening  and Wednesday we were able to finally get in touch with the district presidents there.  They have no water, no power and many are living in our church buildings. All the gardens were destroyed and so have the fruit trees.  We are so sad for the people there.  All our missionaries were with us on the island of Efate because of COVID-19.  So they could be ready for the time when they can be evacuated from Vanuatu.  That was a major relief for us.  We have 49 missionaries leaving this coming Wednesday(if all goes as planned).  When plans change ( as they often do in the islands), one senior sister calls them Vanuatu surprises.  I just love that.  I have decided to use that expression also

2020 Semaine 14 (30 mars-5 avril)

It was one of these weeks Kade!  The one where we have to tell ourselves "Keep calm and have a coconut" It was a roller coaster of emotions.  Tuesday 12 missionaries from New Caledonia returned to the USA.  We had a meal with the senior missionaries  celebrating a birthday.  There was another birthday to celebrate the next day but I was so tired.  We skipped the get together but sister Carlson gave us some food from the meal so I did not have to fix dinner Wednesday.  They are so wonderful!!! The little sister at the back is from Vanuatu and she is doing MTC online at the mission home until April 26.  She was called to Samoa.  I do not know what will happen.  If things have not changed she will be released until the situation with Coronavirus is over.  I spent the whole week trying to learn everything I could in the office.  Saturday morning we were told all our missionaries from USA, Canada and one from New Zealand serving in Vanuatu and all our senior missio