2020 Semaine 23 (1-7 juin)

We started the week learning the missionaries from Papua New Guinea could go home.  There was a flight opening up at the end of the week.  We spent the whole week preparing for their departure.  When we got to the airport on Friday, we were told the flight had already left.  We were there three and a half hours early and it turned out we were late.  Two sisters who are passed their release date were very sad.  The three others were not too disappointed.  They did not want to leave to continue their service in their country in the first place.  Understandable, they love the people of Vanuatu and the people of Vanuatu loves them back.  I know because of that love, the two missionaries will continue to find joy in their missionary service.  

At the hospital for a medical exam

At the airport, practicing leaving I guess.

All this is so hard on the missionaries.  Grand-papa had interviews with the ones in Vanuatu this week and he could see how some of them are struggling with the uncertainties.  After the interviews, which were held every day this week, we met with their district to share what they had learned in their Come, Follow Me study of the Book of Mormon.  We felt the Spirit of the Lord and it brought comfort.  We pray they will continue to study the scriptures and find guidance and solace in the word of God.

It was one of these weeks to practice patience and trust in the Lord.  I think every day something happened, like a pebble in the shoe, to annoy and try to discourage.  Some have been resolved and others are still pending in the resolution of it all.

We have a leak in the shower.  I put a container to show how much water is being wasted.  At the beginning of the week, after about twelve hours, it would fill a big bowl.  I showed that picture to the brother in charge of the upkeep of the mission home.  I get a phone call that same day from him saying the plumber says there is no leak.😒  I remind him we have three showers at the mission home.  Asked the plumber to look for the one with the bucket in it.  The bowl was so full that morning, I decided to put a bucket instead.  The problem is still not resolved and we now fill a bucket to the brim. Such a waste of water especially in this dry season.  I use it to flush the toilet but I do not know how long it has been overflowing before I got to it.

Friday, before we left to pick up the missionaries to take them to the airport, we received a phone call from the elder leaving for PNG had just slid on the muddy road and crashed the truck in a tree.  The two missionaries were okay.  He was not driving fast.  The airbags did not even deploy.
😑😑 Sometimes we look at each other in disbelief.  What Now?  It is then the time to count our blessings and find comfort that we have each other.😵😵

I decided I needed to study about the "Peace of God"  A few scriptures brought me great comfort:

Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:"

Romans 15:13  "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost."

1 Corinthians 14:33 " For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..."

Just a few pictures about how things are here in Vanuatu.

When you go to the store, do not bother looking at the signs to find a product.  They do not follow that all the time.

The left side of the aisle is okay.  The right side of Pasta Noodle and Sauce have been replaced by fruit juices and beverages.

Social distancing in Canada ( look how our cute little Leah is following this new normal)

Social distancing in Vanuatu

There was a beautiful full moon last night.

 It had quite a pull on the water of the lagoon.  We could walk over to the little island.  I just learn that this is called a tidal reach.

Another baseball season starting. Big brother (Kade) will continue to show his little brother (Eli) how it is done.  From what we saw last week, Eli is a fast learner.

Our handsome Dylan has impeccable hair and his dog Cholo was happy to finally get a good trim this week.  A perfect duo of awesomeness.

Watch out for this one.  Last week I said she was working at standing up and look at her now, tackling the stairs.😟😍😙

We survived another week.  What will the second week of June bring?  See you next week for another beautiful week in Vanuatu.

Mifala lavem yufala tumas!


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